بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Note: Some Things You Can Relate To If You Are An INTJ

 💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

💌 Eleven things you can relate to if you have an INTJ personality type:

1] When attending a meeting, lecture or symposium, you prefer to sit far away from seemingly talkative individuals so you wouldn't have to partake in their needless gossip, or you take a seat closest to the speaker so you can focus on them more clearly, with an aim to learn something new instead of practicing sociability.

2] Reading, researching and gathering information you deem intriguing or useful are activities you enjoy doing in your free time.

3] One of the signs that indicate you're willing to connect with someone as a friend or partner is your eagerness to learn more about them. So during conversations, some people feel as though you're interviewing them for a job application.

4] Cats and other furry animals or young children usually gravitate to you, while some adults around your age may find you "unapproachable", "intense", "intimidating", "pretentious" or "unrelatable". 

5] You're generally quiet when surrounded by people whom you can't relate to. Often you're found reading a book, using your cellphone, or staring intently at the ground, signalling you're too preoccupied to engage in trivial dialogues.

6] While some unjustly perceive your dedication to disseminate knowledge as "arrogance", correcting someone's errors or informing them about something important is your style of demonstrating generosity, helpfulness and compassion.

7] With your gut instincts or intuition given to you by Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala, you oftentimes guess correctly how a person actually feels about you or a situation. Although you're not always aware of your emotions, you can read between the lines, recognize inconsistencies, discern body language, and detect subtle patterns, which explains why it can be difficult to trust just anyone.

8] Being the rational, determined and thick-skinned individual that you are, you have no problem detaching yourself from unproductive and toxic connections. Rather than nostalgically reflecting on issues which couldn't work out in the past, you decisively move on, look forward to connecting with new people and seek out other plans.

9] Although a few people admit you're "competent", "capable" and "intelligent" in certain fields, you know from deep inside, you still have tons of things to learn and discover. You inherently dislike being viewed as an obnoxious snob who looks down on others.

10] You're not an expert in noticing the smallest of details sometimes. You're more concerned with the bigger picture, outline and summary. This quality can be handy when you willfully ignore incompatible individuals whom you avoid to preserve your well-being.

11] Obeying someone's orders doesn't come naturally to you if their commands don't make logical sense, or if what they expect from you isn't in line with your values. You can be both fiercely loyal or a complete rebel depending on what you choose to do.




