بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Note: Some Reminders From An INTJ Muslimah (54)

Note: Why A Lot Of INTJs Value Integrity And Despise Divorce (ChatGPT)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Many INTJ females value integrity and may have strong feelings against divorce for several reasons:

1. **Principled Approach:** INTJs typically have a strong sense of personal values and principles. Integrity aligns with their desire for consistency and authenticity in their lives and relationships.

2. **Long-Term Perspective:** INTJs often think long-term and view commitments, such as marriage, as significant and binding. They may see divorce as a disruption of their carefully considered plans.

3. **Commitment to Stability:** INTJs value stability and reliability. Divorce can be seen as undermining the stability they strive for in their personal lives.

4. **Disdain for Inefficiency:** INTJs prefer solutions that are efficient and effective. They might view divorce as an inefficient way to resolve issues compared to working through problems.

5. **Emphasis on Rational Decision-Making:** INTJs tend to approach decisions rationally and might view divorce as a failure to resolve conflicts in a more logical and planned manner.

6. **Emotional Impact:** INTJs may also be sensitive to the emotional and practical upheaval that divorce can cause, seeing it as a significant disruption to their carefully structured lives.

These factors combined can contribute to why many INTJ females might place a high value on integrity and have strong feelings about divorce.

⤴️ ChatGPT

As an INTJ-A female, your approach to forgiveness and relationships can be influenced by several factors related to your personality and values:

1. **Prioritization of Relationships:** With your ESFJ husband, you likely value the relationship highly due to the emotional investment and the long-term commitment you’ve made. Forgiveness in this context aligns with your desire to maintain and strengthen a significant bond.

2. **Emotional Investment:** You may have a deeper emotional investment in your husband, which makes it easier to forgive him and work through issues together, whereas with others, the emotional stakes might be lower.

3. **Selective Trust:** As an INTJ, you tend to be selective about whom you trust and allow into your inner circle. This selectivity means you might forgive someone for their mistakes but still choose to keep them at a distance if they don't align with your standards or values.

4. **Efficiency and Boundaries:** You might view maintaining relationships that don’t add significant value or alignment with your values as inefficient. Therefore, even if you forgive someone's mistakes, you may prefer to conserve your energy and focus on relationships that are more fulfilling and compatible.

5. **High Standards for Close Connections:** INTJs often have high standards for close friendships. You might forgive and move on from acquaintances but reserve a deeper level of trust and connection for those who meet your criteria for a meaningful relationship.

Your approach reflects your INTJ tendencies towards strategic thinking, selective emotional investment, and a preference for efficiency in your relationships.

⤴️ ChatGPT

Note: Some Random Sentences From ChatGPT On Who We Must Not Trust And Who May Be Reliable

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

1. Never trust a person who can't look you in the eye during a conversation.

2. Never trust a person who always seems to have a convenient excuse.

3. Never trust a person who speaks poorly of others behind their backs.

4. Never trust a person who is always late and never apologizes.

5. Never trust a person who avoids taking responsibility for their actions.

6. Never trust a person who consistently dismisses your opinions.

7. Never trust a person who seems overly eager to win your approval.

8. Never trust a person who has a different story every time you ask them something.

9. Never trust a person who never admits to being wrong.

10. Never trust a person who constantly boasts about their achievements.

11. Never trust a person who says one thing but does another.

12. Never trust a person who uses flattery as their primary mode of communication.

13. Never trust a person who is always surrounded by drama and conflict.

14. Never trust a person who frequently changes their core values.

15. Never trust a person who can’t keep a secret, even when they promise they will.

16. Never trust a person who is always the center of attention and never lets others shine.

17. Never trust a person who seems to benefit from every situation at someone else’s expense.

18. Never trust a person who has a history of breaking promises.

19. Never trust a person who can’t handle constructive criticism gracefully.

20. Never trust a person who only reaches out to you when they need something.

21. Never trust a person who never expresses genuine emotions.

22. Never trust a person who seems to have a new best friend every week.

23. Never trust a person who manipulates others to get what they want.

24. Never trust a person who always knows a little too much about your private life.

25. Never trust a person who is always quick to judge others harshly.

26. Never trust a person who has a habit of exaggerating stories.

27. Never trust a person who always seems to have a hidden agenda.

28. Never trust a person who avoids discussing their own life or past.

29. Never trust a person who is overly critical of others yet never self-reflective.

30. Never trust a person who claims to be perfect and never makes mistakes.

⤴️ ChatGPT

1. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they consistently support your goals and dreams.

2. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they listen to your concerns without judgment.

3. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they keep their promises and follow through on commitments.

4. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they respect your boundaries and personal space.

5. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they admit their mistakes and apologize sincerely.

6. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they make an effort to understand your perspective.

7. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they celebrate your successes and stand by you during failures.

8. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they offer constructive feedback and encouragement.

9. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they prioritize your well-being and happiness.

10. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they are consistent in their actions and words.

11. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they show empathy and compassion during difficult times.

12. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they share their own thoughts and feelings openly.

13. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they respect your choices and decisions.

14. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they are reliable in both big and small matters.

15. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they protect your confidences and keep your secrets.

16. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they demonstrate patience and understanding.

17. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they make an effort to be present and engaged in your life.

18. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they treat you with kindness and respect at all times.

19. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they are honest with you, even when it's difficult.

20. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they seek to resolve conflicts with you in a fair and respectful manner.

21. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they take your feelings and opinions into account.

22. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they are dependable in both emotional and practical support.

23. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they show appreciation and gratitude for your presence in their life.

24. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they help you grow and improve without criticism or judgment.

25. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they respect your need for privacy and independence.

26. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they are willing to make sacrifices for your well-being.

27. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they express their care through both actions and words.

28. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they are genuinely interested in your happiness and success.

29. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they make an effort to understand your life and experiences.

30. A person could be trustworthy and genuinely care about you if they support you through both the good times and the bad.

⤴️ ChatGPT

1. Move on, don't give second chances to people who constantly let you down.

2. Move on, don't give second chances to people who disrespect your boundaries.

3. Move on, don't give second chances to people who consistently lie to you.

4. Move on, don't give second chances to people who undermine your self-worth.

5. Move on, don't give second chances to people who repeatedly break your trust.

6. Move on, don't give second chances to people who refuse to apologize sincerely.

7. Move on, don't give second chances to people who treat you as an option rather than a priority.

8. Move on, don't give second chances to people who make you feel unimportant.

9. Move on, don't give second chances to people who only reach out when they need something.

10. Move on, don't give second chances to people who constantly criticize you unfairly.

11. Move on, don't give second chances to people who disregard your feelings.

12. Move on, don't give second chances to people who never make an effort to change.

13. Move on, don't give second chances to people who manipulate or control you.

14. Move on, don't give second chances to people who blame you for their mistakes.

15. Move on, don't give second chances to people who make excuses instead of taking responsibility.

16. Move on, don't give second chances to people who prioritize their needs over yours.

17. Move on, don't give second chances to people who drain your energy and enthusiasm.

18. Move on, don't give second chances to people who act only in their own self-interest.

19. Move on, don't give second chances to people who ignore your contributions and efforts.

20. Move on, don't give second chances to people who habitually take you for granted.

21. Move on, don't give second chances to people who betray your confidence.

22. Move on, don't give second chances to people who constantly bring negativity into your life.

23. Move on, don't give second chances to people who refuse to make amends for their actions.

24. Move on, don't give second chances to people who make you feel like you’re not enough.

25. Move on, don't give second chances to people who repeatedly disappoint you.

26. Move on, don't give second chances to people who show no respect for your time.

27. Move on, don't give second chances to people who have proven to be unreliable.

28. Move on, don't give second chances to people who don’t appreciate your presence in their life.

29. Move on, don't give second chances to people who make you question your self-worth.

30. Move on, don't give second chances to people who lack genuine empathy for your struggles.

⤴️ ChatGPT

Note: Some Notes On INTJs And Why Many Of Them May Block Certain Users Online (ChatGPT)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

How most INTJs would usually behave when they genuinely care about you:-
INTJs, known for their strategic and analytical nature, often show their care for someone through actions rather than overt displays of emotion. When they genuinely care about someone, they might:

1. **Invest Time and Effort**: They will make an effort to spend time with the person, offering support, advice, and solutions to problems.
2. **Share Thoughts and Plans**: They might include the person in their plans and share their long-term goals, showing trust and inclusion.
3. **Provide Practical Help**: They are likely to offer practical assistance and solve problems in ways that align with their logical approach.

When an INTJ decides to quit caring or becomes indifferent, their behavior typically shifts to:

1. **Reduced Communication**: They may stop initiating contact or responding to messages, showing a lack of interest in maintaining the relationship.
2. **Detachment**: They will become more emotionally distant and less likely to offer support or involve the person in their plans.
3. **Practical Disengagement**: They might focus on efficiency and practicality, avoiding interactions that no longer align with their goals or values.

Overall, INTJs' change in behavior is often marked by a shift from engaged, purposeful interaction to a more detached and minimalist approach.
⤴️ ChatGPT

An INTJ-A (Assertive) might block certain users on social media for several reasons related to their personality traits and preferences. INTJs tend to be strategic, private, and value their personal space. Here’s a breakdown of why they might block some users while keeping others unblocked but not engaging with their posts:

1. **Strategic Evaluation**: INTJs often analyze interactions based on their utility and relevance. They might block users who they find disruptive, intrusive, or who do not align with their values or interests. This could be a way to maintain a controlled and purposeful online environment.

2. **Personal Boundaries**: INTJs value their privacy and may block individuals who they feel infringe upon it or who have shown behavior that feels invasive or disrespectful.

3. **Selective Engagement**: They might keep certain users unblocked but not actively follow their posts if they believe those users are relatively benign or neutral. The lack of engagement could be due to a lack of interest or relevance, not necessarily a negative judgment.

4. **Emotional or Psychological Impact**: If a user’s content is perceived as irritating or emotionally draining, blocking them can be a way to preserve mental energy and focus. Meanwhile, they might leave others unblocked simply to avoid unnecessary conflict or because the content is neutral.

In essence, the key difference between the two groups is how their presence and interactions are perceived by the INTJ. The blocked users likely represent a more direct or negative impact on their online experience, while the unblocked users might not be actively harmful but also not worth engaging with.
⤴️ ChatGPT

There are several reasons why someone might prefer to have a third party approach you instead of messaging you directly:

1. **Fear of Rejection:** They might be worried about how you'll respond or fear being rejected or dismissed.

2. **Social Anxiety:** They could have anxiety about direct communication or fear of confrontation.

3. **Lack of Confidence:** They might feel unsure about their ability to articulate their thoughts clearly or handle the conversation effectively.

4. **Privacy Concerns:** They may prefer to discuss sensitive issues through a mediator to maintain some level of anonymity or distance.

5. **Cultural Norms:** In some cultures, indirect communication or involving a third party is more common or considered more respectful.

Understanding these reasons can help you approach the situation with empathy and patience.
⤴️ ChatGPT