بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Note: Advice For Sisters Interested In The Niqab

📜 Question: What advice can you give a Muslimah who is interested in wearing the niqab?
📝 Alhamdulillah as a niqabi since about 12 years old back in Saudi Arabia and still wearing the niqab in my 30s here in the Philippines I advise you to:
1° First purify your niyyah/intention of wearing the niqab. Are you wearing the niqab to join the fabulous team of niqabi sisters worldwide, or are you tired of people staring at your cute face, or are you covering it so your skin doesn't become darkened by the sun's rays? The best reasons to wear the niqab would be to sincerely please Allah the Almighty by leveling up your love for modesty, by keeping your actual beauty reserved for your husband exclusively, and to dress modestly like how the noble wives of the beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu alaihi wa sallam used to have their bodies and faces covered when outdoors.
2° Be patient while wearing the niqab, especially if this is your first time. Expect some ignorant individuals from among Muslims and non-Muslims who may mock or laugh at you for wearing the niqab. The term "ninja" and "molto" or "monster" would become more common, along with questions like "Why do you wear that?" or "Are you seriously acting like you're better than us because you've become more religious?"
When any child or adult makes fun of you for wearing niqab, you have three ways to react to them:
1• Calmly smile and patiently explain what the niqab is, and why you chose to wear it.
2• Jokingly make a ninja move and say something clever like "Hey what about you? Are you a secret ninja too?" or simply laugh at their ignorance while walking away from nonsensical remarks which reflect their bad upbringing or insecurity.
3• Maintain Sabr and silently walk away from rude, insecure and uneducated strangers who probably never traveled abroad or were exposed to different customs. Be kind enough to pray to Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala that He guides them to understanding and embracing Islam someday. 
You will Inn-sha-Allah be rewarded for staying patient when going through any difficult situation.
3° Choose a niqab with the kind of cloth that allows you to breathe easily. Don't make things more difficult by wearing a niqab that is thick enough to be a winter jacket or mini blanket.
4° Try to have at least two niqabs, not just one. Obviously if one niqab hasn't been washed yet, you still have an extra one.
5° If you're among those sisters who go out with some make-up on even underneath the niqab, expect some concealer or foundation markings around the inner part of your niqab. You can easily wash them off with water or wet wipes.
6° Remain steadfast as a niqabi Muslimah. Being the only niqabi among a group of hijabis or women who don't wear hijab shouldn't stop you from sporting the niqab. It is a huge sign that you trust Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala when you refuse to give up wearing the face-veil even if you're the only one in your family, workplace or class wearing the niqab for Allah's sake.
7° The more you spend time with fellow niqabi sisters, the more you become an expert at identifying people by their body size and recognizing different voices or ways of speaking and distinguishing friends by their overall behaviour. One of the beautiful aspects of wearing the niqab is you don't want people judging you by your face, but who you are as a person is based on what's inside your heart, the good deeds you do solely for the sake of Allah the Most Wise, the contributions you generously provide and kindness you give to the Muslim Ummah, your unique personality and your main desire to enter Jannah Paradise without being concerned by the expectations of society and demands of the fashion industry.
May Allah the Most Merciful make you more courageous and patient as you decide to wear the niqab for His sake only. Ameen.
📖 ‘Urwah reported: Aisha RadhiAllahu 'anha said, “May Allah have mercy on the foremost women of the Muhaajirun. When Allah revealed the verse, ‘Let them draw their cloaks over their bodies,’ (The Noble Qur'an 24:31) they cut their sheets and veiled themselves with them.”
Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 4481
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Bukhari

Poem: 13 Life Lessons Learned From 33 Years

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
💌 Thirteen lessons learned from thirty-three years of living,
From our stay in Saudi Arabia to Philippines,
To remind myself and for others' self-improvement,
Another way to express thanks for Allah's blessings.
One: Childhood memories - some bring smiles, others sorrow,
But tough experiences I went through has helped me grow.
Moments where to verbal bullying I was exposed
Taught me some words can hurt, but not if they make you strong.
Two: Teenage years are some of the toughest adventures,
Where your faith is tested along with your character.
Ensure when you befriend, you choose those with right manners,
As your circle can make you a winner or loser.
Three: Even when you've reached twenty, you still haven't grown.
You're not mature yet. There are tons of things to be known.
Throughout your twenties you'll commit some mistakes and wrongs,
But they're worthwhile if they inspire wisdom to divulge.
Four: Recall you're human. You're bound to slip now and then.
Expect to forget promises or form misjudgments.
Whenever you've erred, rush to Tawbah as a Muslim,
Learn from each loss and error. Try not to repeat them.
Five: Getting married doesn't guarantee "perfect life".
Anticipate frequent fights between husband and wife.
When shaytan interferes and wants you both to divide,
Defeat his desires and be brave enough to ditch pride.
Six: Oftentimes we may have incorrect opinions,
Misjudging some souls only to know they're different
From our initial assumptions based on experience.
Suspicion in some cases are shaytan's suggestions.
Seven: We gravitate to souls who resemble us 
Or who share our love for Allah so they've earned our trust.
Regardless of the bond, many good friends must depart.
Your heart remains whole if to people you're not attached.
Eight: It's not easy to move on from something you like.
From serving Allah is willingness to sacrifice,
To abandon bad habits and what Allah dislikes,
To forsake dunya because you prefer Paradise.
Nine: Life is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows.
Sometimes you're in a good mood, other times you feel low.
Survive by thanking Allah for the gifts He bestowed,
And be patient when trials or challenges are thrown.
Ten: No matter how many achievements you've attained 
With Allah's Will, there's always someone whose gains outweigh
Your accomplishments, so arrogance is not portrayed.
You're trained to not be too proud for rizq that Allah gave.
Eleven: When you're grateful to Allah, with Shukr,
You'll realize you can't envy the lives of others.
With sweet contentment you can focus on what matters.
A person's triumphs don't signify you're a failure.
Twelve: Part of Allah's tests is sending troublemakers,
Liars, scammers, traitors, trolls who are not well-mannered,
And foes disguised as "friends" who undermine your efforts.
To deal with them, grant distance and enhance your Sabr.
Thirteen: Every soul whom Allah decrees you would meet
Has a gift to offer you or a lesson to teach.
Either you benefit them or they gain your misdeeds
Each time they backbite about you, depress or mistreat.
Allah's Prophets too had enemies who caused much strife,
Who rejected their calls, who assumed their truths were lies,
Yet with Allah's Love and Guidance those Prophets survived.
People's hatred doesn't mean by Allah we're disliked.
Push yourself to remember our main purpose in life -
To worship Allah Only, to deserve Paradise.
Steadfastly speak the truth though many let themselves lie.
Though some find you "insincere", Allah sees what hearts hide.
Do your best to be whom Allah commands you to be -
Allah's striving servant who worships Him to succeed 
In this world and the next, be granted Jannah's entry,
For trusting Allah, not fearing His slaves' enmity.
📖 Ibn Abbas RadhiAllahu 'anhuma narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Take advantage of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death." 
Source: Shu’ab Al-Imān 9575 
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Albani