بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Tips: Nine Things To Avoid For Allah's Sake To Feel Happier From Within

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful 

💌 Nine things to avoid, for Allah's sake, to avoid depression, as a Muslim:
1] Don't expect people to be constantly nice to you, to treat you like royalty, or to give you special attention at all times as though they don't have problems, trials, and worries of their own. 
2] Don't waste your lifetime spying on people's lives, watching pretentious vlogs on YouTube, and nosily interfering with irrelevant issues of people who have nothing to do with you. Focus on improving yourself, concentrating on pleasing Only Allah the Almighty, and don't care about how others perceive you. 
3] Don't gossip nor socialize with professional gossipers. Arrogantly backbiting about people, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, can make your heart feel uneasy, empty, and guilty due to the filthiness of the major sin of backbiting. 
4] Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't blame yourself for not being perfect. Forgive yourself for your human mistakes, and learn what not to do next time. Complete perfection can only be found in Jannah Paradise. 
5] Don't compete with those who seem to be succeeding in terms of worldly gains. Instead, motivate yourself to work harder by patiently doing as many good deeds as you can for Allah's sake, with moderation and consistency, to level up your status in Jannah Paradise. 
6] Don't ever be dishonest with yourself, with Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala, and with anybody. By occasionally lying to people, you may always worry that someday your lies may be discovered and you'd be labeled as a 'chronic liar'. 
7] Don't hang out with the wrong kind of friends who could lead you to trouble, complicate your lifestyle, and distract you from what Allah and His noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam love.  
8] Don't behave in this dunya  as if you'll live forever. Understand that death can occur anytime and we must prepare ourselves for the actual meeting with our Creator Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala. 
9] Don't forget the prayers and our main purpose in life, which is to worship Only Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala (not ourselves, not money, not people) and pass all of Allah's tests so we're deserving of Jannah Paradise. The stronger your connection is to Allah the Most Loving, the more often you say Dhikr, and the more you read from the Noble Qur'an regularly, the calmer you are, the farther you are from fitna, and the better you feel from inside, despite strangers guessing otherwise.
📖 Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Nothing afflicts a Muslim of hardship, nor illness, nor anxiety, nor sorrow, nor harm, nor distress, not even the pricking of a thorn, but that Allah will expiate his sins by it."
Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 5318
Sahih Muslim 2573
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (Authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim
📖 Aisha RadhiAllahu 'anha narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If the sins of a servant are numerous and he does not have good deeds to compensate, Allah will afflict him with sadness as an expiation for him."
Source: Musnad Ahmed 24708
Grade: Hasan (Fair) according to Al-Suyuti 

Tips: 3 Things That INTJ Personality Types Can Do And 5 Things They Can't Always Do

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful 
🗒️ Three things that most INTJ personality types are good at: 
1] Quickly moving on and emotionally disconnecting from toxic individuals who can't bring any value to their future. 
2] Ignoring anything that distracts them from their goals and willfully refusing to notice details which they consider insignificant. 
3] Analyzing the pros and cons of different situations, determining a person's potential or motives behind certain actions (which is why most INTJs are seldom surprised when people disappoint them), and understanding the logical reasons to matters which not many understand, such as the virtues of polygyny and importance of steadfastness in marriage (such abilities come from Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala only, not from oneself).
❎ Five things which many INTJ personality types can't do: 
1] We can't feel "alone" or "lonely" at all when we're uninvited, excluded, rejected from a group conversation, assigned to carry out a task individually, or treated like social outcasts. Since we're one of the most independent of the introverts and we aren't clingy, solitude is something we gladly welcome, while sticking to one particular clique doesn't appeal to us really. 
Quiet moments are chances for us to reflect, research, read, browse through useful information, and spend quality time with those who deserve our loyalty, especially one's spouse and family. 
2] We can't cry over failed friendships nor feel hurt if somebody's acts signal they're unwilling to network with us. Since INTJs are intimidatingly selective regarding their choice of close friends, we have no problem in dismissing or walking away from those who fail to reciprocate our efforts or whose values don't align with ours. 
3] We are incapable of quitting something which we truthfully value, despite insults, mockery, and frequent criticism from those who misunderstand us. 
4] We can't pretend to be anybody's friend, if we genuinely don't find them interesting, relatable, or valuable. INTJs would never go out of their way to reach out or initiate any discussion with you if they sense you're somewhat fake, untrustworthy, or even the slightest bit envious of them.
5] We can't flawlessly deliver an impromptu speech in front of a large audience, particularly if we have to discuss a topic which we aren't familiar with. A lot of us would rather sit quietly and attentively listen to an eloquent speaker than be the lecturer on stage doing all the talking. 
The more you understand yourself for Allah's sake and accept your unique personality traits, the less you become influenced by what people do or claim about you.
📖 Anas Ibn Malik RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The believer is one who is trusted by the people. The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe. The emigrant (muhaajir) is one who emigrates away from evil. By the One (Allah) in Whose Hand is my soul, a servant will not enter Paradise if his neighbor is not secure from his harm."
Source: Sahih Ibn Hibbān 515 
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut
📝 To discover what your MBTI type is, you're welcome to take these tests:

Note: What's It Like To Love Your Husband Who Loves You As Well As His Other Wife/Wives?

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
📜 Question: What is love like in polygyny?
📝 Answer: Love in polygyny is proven when you don't mind kissing the soft lips of your husband who has made out with another legal wife. A polygynous marriage life trains you to be extra tough and patient when there are nights in which you sleep without your husband by your side, and you're alright knowing he's laying right next to the other wife. You treat your co-wife's children like they're your own, as they're the half-siblings of your kids/child and altogether they're your husband's offsprings whom he strives to care for equally. When you hear your husband mentioning the name of the other wife, you feel slightly jealous due to undeniable love, but your faith is what causes you to patiently accept what Allah has destined.
Oftentimes you're tempted to check the text messages and conversations which go on between your husband and his other wife, yet your adult self prevents you from wanting to behave nosily and insecurely. At times you see yourself battling against the urge to confront the co-wife if she spent too much time with your husband or you restrain your anger when you discover that your husband and co-wife went to the same restaurant as you and he did earlier.
While you're aware of how your husband has the privilege to be married to up to four wives, you fulfill your duty as a striving Muslimah to patiently accept Allah's Destiny.
Just as there are different forms of weddings and love definitions, there are various types of polygynous situations. Some co-wives are close friends and see each other like sisters. Others secretly dislike one another but still manage to maintain courteous manners when they're together. Other co-wives prefer to imagine the other co-wife doesn't even exist so some of these fiercely in-love ladies may emphasize they're the exclusive zawjat/zawja or other half of a responsible husband who can afford to look after multiple wives for Allah's sake. Other co-wives are willing to connect but their husbands have a preference to keep them away from one another fearing that if he ever neglects any of their rights his co-wives may team up and plot against him.
Whatever is the scenario that you may find yourself in, ultimately you understand that your husband loves you and his other wives fairly equitably, and you're doing this solely to please Allah the Almighty, submitting to Allah's Will, obeying as much as you can from Allah's Commands and praying that your humble acceptance of polygyny is one of the keys which make you worthy of the highest station in Jannah namely Jannatul Ferdaus near Allah the Most High and His noble Prophets alaihim as-salaam.
📖 Abdullah Ibn Amr RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The world is enjoyment and the best enjoyment in the world is a righteous wife."
Source: Sahih Muslim 1467
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Muslim 