بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Poem: Allah The Most Wise Already Decreed Your Sustenance, Rizq And Provisions

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
💌 Know that, as a Muslim, everything has been decreed - 
How much income you'd receive, how much you'd drink and eat, 
What you can afford, what you'd consume, who you would feed, 
What gifts you'd give and to whom, and what you'd take freely - 
Your rizq is written, and part of Qadr/destiny.
Those dishes you enjoyed at gatherings and parties, 
Meals you ate which were cooked by loved ones generously, 
Food you fully finished despite not being tasty,
And snacks given by some friends, even reluctantly - 
Were all decreed by Allah, and part of destiny. 
Canned foods you bought for yourself but then you so kindly 
Used them to grant sustenance to stray cats in the streets, 
Edibles you've dropped because you slipped or were clumsy, 
And meals you aspired to devour but couldn't complete - 
Were all planned by Allah. Accept Qadr/destiny. 
Huge amount of food savored by those who seem greedy, 
Takeouts taken by visitors in large quantities, 
Neighbors or passersby who picked fruits from trees for free, 
And servings of your meal which you shared begrudgingly - 
Were all meant for them. Allah designed their destiny.
Next time you go through moments when "fairness" seems unclear, 
When you wonder, "I just got few. And them? Too many!" 
Or wish, "If only everyone on earth were wealthy", 
Recall, Allah distributed His blessings fairly. 
Increase Du'as to hopefully improve destiny.
📖 Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: The Messenger of Allah SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, narrated to us for he is the truthful and the trusted, "Verily, the creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother’s womb for forty days as a drop, then he is a clot for a similar period, then a morsel for a similar period, then there is sent to him the angel who blows the spirit into him and he is commanded regarding four matters: To write down his provision (rizq), his life span, his deeds, and whether he is unhappy or happy. By Allah, other than whom there is no God, one of you acts like the people of Paradise until he is but an arm’s length from it, and what is written overtakes him so he acts like the people of Hellfire and he enters it. Verily, one of you acts like the people of Hellfire until he is but an arm’s length from it, and what is written overtakes him so he acts like the people of Paradise and he enters it."
Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 7454 
Sahih Muslim 2643
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (Authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim
📖 Umar Ibn Al-Khattab RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If you were to rely upon Allah with reliance due to Him, He (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) would provide for you just as He provides for the birds. They go out in the morning with empty stomachs and return full."
Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2344
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Albani
📖 Salman RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Nothing repels the divine decree (Qadr) but supplication, and nothing increases life span but righteousness."
Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2139
Grade: Hasan (Fair) according to Al-Albani