بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Note: Longer Duration In Marriage And Friendship Depends On Allah The Most Wise And Mutual Good Intentions And Sincere Efforts

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
❓ Question: Thoroughly explain like you're talking to some ESL students what this statement means and give 7 examples to illustrate the meaning:
friendship and marriage require lots of sincere efforts to grow stronger. If one can't always make the first move, one must maintain those connections through lots of perseverance and Sabr patience.

💻 ChatGPT: This statement means that both **friendship** and **marriage** need a lot of **hard work** and **genuine care** in order to become stronger and last over time. It tells us that relationships don't just get better on their own. Instead, people need to keep trying and putting in effort, even when it feels difficult. 

Let's break down the key parts of the statement:

1. **Friendship and marriage require lots of sincere efforts to grow stronger**:
   - This part tells us that both friendships and marriages take real, honest work to become better. You can't just expect them to improve on their own; you need to give your time, care, and attention to the relationship.

2. **If one can't always make the first move**:
   - Sometimes, you might not always be the first person to act, like making a phone call, apologizing, or starting a conversation. It’s okay if you can't always do that.

3. **One must maintain those connections through lots of perseverance and Sabr (patience)**:
   - Even if you're not always the first to act, it is important to **keep working** on the relationship. This requires **perseverance** (not giving up even when it is hard) and **Sabr**, a word from Arabic that means **patience**. This means you need to wait, be patient, and keep trying even when things are difficult.

### In simple words:
Friendship and marriage need a lot of effort and patience. You don’t always need to be the first one to start something, but you do need to keep working on the relationship and never give up. Even if things are hard, you must have patience and keep trying.

### 7 Examples to Illustrate the Meaning:

1. **Example 1: In Marriage**
   - Mariam and Nomayri have been married for about 19 years. Sometimes, they don’t always agree on the same things, but instead of arguing, they keep talking and solving their problems together. They both make a sincere effort to understand each other, which makes their marriage stronger.

2. **Example 2: In Friendship**
   - Sheila's best friend, Natasha, moved to another country. Even though Sheila can't always call her first because of the time difference, she continues to send messages and care for their friendship. This effort helps their friendship stay strong, even from far away.

3. **Example 3: In Marriage**
   - Ali and Anna have had some difficult times in their marriage. Sometimes, Anna feels sad, but Ali is patient and listens to her. He doesn't give up on making her feel better, showing **perseverance** and **patience**.

4. **Example 4: In Friendship**
   - Nathaniel and Michael have been friends for many years. Sometimes, Nathaniel forgets to call Michael as often as he usually does, but Michael never gets angry or visibly disappointed. He understands that sometimes people are busy. He waits patiently for Nathaniel to reach out.

5. **Example 5: In Marriage**
   - Maryanne and Nathan are newly married. At first, they had some misunderstandings. But they decided to work hard on their relationship by talking, understanding, and constantly forgiving each other. This took effort and patience, but it made their relationship stronger.

6. **Example 6: In Friendship**
   - Suzy and Molly have been close friends for a long time. There was a time when Molly didn’t talk to Suzy for a few weeks because of a small argument. But Molly didn’t give up. She kept calling and visiting Suzy until gradually they were friends again. Her effort and patience helped them get back to their strong friendship.

7. **Example 7: In Marriage**
   - Saleh and Saliha were having a tough time during the first year of their marriage. Sometimes, Saleh wanted to give up, but Saliha was astoundingly patient and always tried to find a solution. Her **sabr** (and trust in Allah the Almighty as well as her strong faith Imaan) helped both of them to keep going, and their relationship grew stronger over time.

In all these examples, the message is clear: **effort** and **patience** are key to making relationships work, whether in marriage or friendship. Even if it feels hard at times, both people need to keep trying and never give up.

💠 Gemini AI: Okay, let's break down this statement together.

**The Core Idea**

The statement is saying that **strong friendships and marriages don't just happen miraculously.** They need a lot of work and dedication from both sides. It's like a garden – you need to water it, weed it, and give it sunlight for it to bloom.

**"Sincere Efforts"**

* **What does "sincere" mean?** It means genuine, honest, and coming from the heart. It's not just about saying the right things, but truly caring and putting in the effort.
* **What kind of efforts are we talking about?** 
    * **Communication:** Talking openly and honestly, listening actively, and sharing your feelings.
    * **Quality time:** Spending time together, doing things you both genuinely enjoy, and making an effort to be present whenever you can.
    * **Acts of kindness:** Small gestures like helping out, offering support, and showing appreciation online and offline.
    * **Forgiveness:** Letting go of anger and grudges, and moving forward.
    * **Compromise:** Finding solutions that work for both people, even if it means giving up something you want.
    * **Respect:** Valuing each other's opinions and boundaries.

**"Make the First Move"**

Sometimes, one person might be better at initiating contact, starting conversations, or suggesting activities. But that doesn't mean the other person shouldn't also make an effort. 

**"Perseverance and Sabr"**

* **Perseverance:** This means continuing to try even when things get difficult or you feel like giving up. It's about staying committed to the relationship.
* **Sabr:** This is an Arabic word that has a deeper meaning than just "patience." It implies patience combined with acceptance of the Divine Will of God Allah the Almighty Who has absolute full control over everything. In this context, it means patiently enduring challenges and trusting that things will eventually improve.

**7 Examples**

1. **In a friendship:** If one friend always texts first, the other friend should also make an effort to reach out and initiate conversations. 
2. **In a marriage:** One partner might be better at planning special moments together. The other partner can show their effort by suggesting activities, helping with the planning, or surprising their spouse with a romantic gesture.
3. **Overcoming a disagreement:** After an argument, one person might apologize first. The other person can show their effort by humbly and courageously accepting the apology, trying to understand the other person's perspective, and working together to find a resolution.
4. **Supporting a partner's goals:** One partner might be more vocal about supporting the other's career aspirations. The other partner can show their effort by actively listening, offering encouragement, and helping in any way they can.
5. **Maintaining long-distance relationships:** If one person travels often, the other person can show their effort by staying in regular contact, planning visits when possible, and finding creative ways to stay connected.
6. **Dealing with challenges:** If one partner is going through a difficult time, the other can show their effort by offering emotional support, helping with household chores, and being patient while their partner works through their challenges.
7. **Showing appreciation:** One partner might regularly express their love and appreciation. The other partner can show their effort by also expressing gratitude, both verbally and through actions like consistent acts of service.

**In summary:** Building and maintaining strong relationships requires consistent effort from both sides. It's not always easy, but by communicating openly, showing kindness, and persevering through challenges, you can 
(Inn-sha-Allah) strengthen and nurture deep and meaningful connections.

⚠️ Note: some phrases added and modified etc.

Note: Ideal Muslims Avoid Bid'ah Including Birthday Celebrations

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
1. **"Celebrating bdays as Muslims"**: Some Muslims firmly believe that celebrating birthdays (like having a party or giving gifts on someone's birthday) is not something that fits with their religion. They believe that celebrating birthdays wasn't done by the noble Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, so it isn't part of Islam. To them, it is something new that wasn't in the original teachings of Islam.

2. **"Vegans often promoting big sales at meat shops"**: Vegans are people who don't eat meat because they believe it's wrong to hurt animals. So, the idea of a vegan promoting big sales at a shop that sells meat seems strange, right? It would be against what the vegan believes in. This is how the person feels about celebrating birthdays as a Muslim—it seems very strange in a negative sense or against what they believe.

3. **"Avoid bid'ah & Islamic values never give up"**:
   - **Bid'ah**: This word means "innovation" or "something new." In Islam, **bid'ah** is when people start doing things that were not done by the beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam or his followers, especially if it changes how people practice Islam. Some people think that celebrating birthdays is a bid'ah because it wasn't done in the time of the noble Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam nor was it done by any of his loyal companions RadhiAllahu 'anhum (another reason to avoid celebrating the so-called "mawlidun nabiyy").
   - **Islamic values never give up**: This means we should always stick to the important beliefs and practices of Islam, no matter what. It’s about staying true to what is considered right in the religion.

**So, what does this whole statement mean?**

It’s saying that celebrating birthdays as a Muslim is like a vegan (someone who doesn't eat meat) promoting big sales at a meat shop. It's saying that these things don't make sense because they go against the person's beliefs or values. The person is saying, "We should avoid doing things that are new and not part of the original teachings of Islam (called bid'ah), and always stick to the core values of Islam."

In simple words, it's a way of saying that Muslims should not celebrate birthdays because they feel it doesn’t fit with the original way of practicing Islam.

Here are 13 reasons why some Muslims believe they should not celebrate birthdays each year:

1. **Not part of Islamic tradition**: Celebrating birthdays is not something which the noble Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam or his companions did, so some Muslims firmly believe and know that it's not part of true Islamic practice.

2. **Considered bid'ah (innovation)**: In Islam, practices that were not part of the original teachings are seen as "bid'ah" (innovation). Some believe that celebrating birthdays is a new practice that wasn’t done during the time of the beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

3. **Focus on worldly celebrations**: Some Muslims believe that celebrating birthdays might take the focus away from more important religious observances, such as prayer and other acts of worship like fasting Sunnah fasts (for example fasting Sunnah fast every other Monday and Thursday).

4. **Avoiding excessive attachment to materialism**: Birthdays often involve buying gifts and throwing extravagant parties, which some Muslims believe can encourage a materialistic mindset rather than focusing on spiritual growth and more important responsibilities.

5. **Encourages self-centeredness**: Celebrating a birthday can be seen as focusing too much on oneself and one’s personal life, instead of humility and gratitude towards our Only God and Creator Allah the Almighty.

6. **Unnecessary rituals**: Muslims are taught to follow practices that are prescribed in the Noble Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Since birthdays are not part of this, they may be seen as unnecessary rituals.

7. **Fear of imitating non-Muslim practices**: Some Muslims avoid celebrating birthdays because they firmly believe that it is a practice adopted from non-Muslim cultures and doesn’t align with Islamic values.

8. **Overindulgence**: Birthdays often involve eating large amounts of food, noisy partying, and overindulgence, which some Muslims believe goes against the Islamic principle of moderation.

9. **Unnecessary attention to personal age**: Islam encourages focusing on actions and character rather than getting caught up in things like age. Birthdays can sometimes emphasize personal age, which might detract from other spiritual aspects.

10. **Distraction from religious duties**: Celebrating birthdays can be seen as a distraction from important religious duties, such as prayer, fasting, and charity.

11. **Deviation from the Sunnah**: The Sunnah refers to the actions and sayings of the respected Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Since the noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not celebrate birthdays, many Muslims firmly believe that celebrating them is an ignorant act and it deviates from the Sunnah of the beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

12. **Encouraging extravagance**: Birthdays can sometimes lead to extravagant spending, such as on decorations, cakes, and gifts. Islam encourages simplicity and avoiding deliberate waste.

13. **Spiritual focus**: Some Muslims believe that their focus should always be on their relationship with Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala and their spiritual growth, rather than focusing on celebrating a single day each year for themselves.

These reasons reflect the views of some Muslims who believe that celebrating birthdays is either unnecessary, against the essence of Islam, or distracting from the more important aspects of faith Imaan and worship. However, it's important to note that different Muslims have varying opinions on the matter, and some may celebrate birthdays while others choose not to.

⤴️ Some notes from ChatGPT

Note: Some Lessons Learned From Dedicated Teachers

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

❓ Question: I, as a student attending some online classes in Arabic language, have a teacher for Qur'an subject who conducts Qur'an subject class once at Markaz Ibn Al-Qayyim https://markzibnqayyim.com/. She's residing in Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates if I'm not mistaken. She conducts her class there from around 7:30 pm while it is 12:30 am here in the Philippines until about 10 pm there while it is about 3 am here in the Philippines. She listens to each female student recite a whole Surah from the first Ayah verse to the last Ayah attentively and corrects them whenever a student mispronounces a word or makes an error. Thoroughly explain what possibly inspires her to have the patience to listen to more than 20 or so students reciting long Surahs/Suwar for several hours. What are 13 reasons which make some teachers very dedicated in contrast to those who find teaching somewhat tiring?
💠 Gemini AI: It's admirable that your teacher dedicates such time and effort to her students, despite the time difference. Here are some possible inspirations for her dedication:

* **Passion for Qur'an and Teaching:** A deep love for the Qur'an and a genuine desire to share its beauty and knowledge with others likely fuels her commitment. 
* **Sense of Duty and Responsibility:** She may feel a strong sense of responsibility to guide her students in Qur'anic recitation and ensure they learn with proper pronunciation and understanding.
* **Reward in the Hereafter:** Islamic teachings emphasize the reward for spreading knowledge, particularly religious knowledge. This belief may motivate her to strive for excellence in her teaching.
* **Seeing Student Progress:** Witnessing the progress of her students, hearing their improvement in recitation, and seeing their growing understanding of the Qur'an can be immensely rewarding.
* **Building Strong Student-Teacher Relationships:** The personal connection she develops with her students through these dedicated sessions creates a meaningful and rewarding teaching experience.
* **Contributing to the Ummah:** By teaching the Qur'an, she contributes to the preservation and dissemination of Islamic knowledge within the Muslim community.
* **Personal Growth:** The process of teaching itself can be a continuous learning experience for the teacher as they delve deeper into the Qur'an and refine their own understanding and teaching methods.

**13 Reasons for Teacher Dedication:**

1. **Passion for the Subject Matter:** A deep love for the subject they teach fuels their enthusiasm and dedication.
2. **Strong Belief in the Value of Education:** A firm conviction that education is crucial for personal and societal growth motivates them to strive for excellence.
3. **Student-Centered Approach:** Focusing on student needs, understanding their learning styles, and creating a supportive learning environment fosters a sense of purpose.
4. **Desire to Make a Difference:** A genuine desire to positively impact students' lives, help them reach their potential, and guide them towards success.
5. **Sense of Responsibility:** A strong sense of duty and responsibility towards their students and the educational community.
6. **Continuous Learning:** A commitment to professional development, staying updated on the latest teaching methods and educational research. 
7. **Positive School Environment:** A supportive and collaborative school environment where teachers feel valued, respected, and appreciated.
8. **Strong Relationships with Students:** Building positive and meaningful relationships with students creates a rewarding and fulfilling teaching experience.
9. **Finding Joy in Teaching:** Experiencing the joy of teaching, witnessing student growth, and celebrating their successes.
10. **Making a Contribution to Society:** Recognizing the vital role education plays in shaping society and contributing to its progress.
11. **Personal Growth and Self-Fulfillment:** Teaching provides opportunities for personal and professional growth, expanding knowledge and skills.
12. **Feeling Valued and Appreciated:** Receiving recognition and appreciation from students, parents, and the school community boosts morale and motivation.
13. **A Sense of Purpose and Meaning:** Finding a sense of purpose and meaning in their work, knowing that they are making a valuable contribution to the world.

It's important to remember that these are just a few of the many reasons that can drive teacher dedication. Every teacher has their own unique motivations and experiences that shape their commitment to their profession.

💻 ChatGPT: The teacher you described demonstrates immense dedication, patience, and commitment. Many factors likely motivate her to invest such effort into listening to each student attentively. Here's an exploration of the possible reasons for her dedication and some factors that differentiate highly committed teachers from others who may find teaching tiring:

### 13 Possible Reasons for Her Dedication

1. **Passion for the Subject**  
   A deep love for the Qur'an can be a powerful motivator. Teachers who have a strong emotional connection to the subject they teach often go above and beyond in ensuring that students grasp the material. For someone teaching Qur'an, the significance and sacredness of the text make teaching it a deeply fulfilling experience.

2. **Sense of Purpose and Responsibility**  
   Many Qur'an teachers view their role as not just a job but a responsibility. Teaching the Qur'an is seen as a noble task, as they believe they are contributing to the spiritual development of their students, which is often perceived as a rewarding purpose.

3. **Desire to Preserve and Transmit Knowledge**  
   The teacher may be driven by a desire to preserve and transmit Islamic knowledge to future generations. This can be particularly important in contexts where the Qur'an is central to personal and communal identity, and she may feel honored to be part of this process.

4. **Love for Helping Others Grow**  
   Some teachers derive immense satisfaction from seeing their students improve. Hearing students recite the Qur'an correctly or observing their progress over time can provide a sense of achievement and motivate a teacher to give their best.

5. **Commitment to Quality Education**  
   Teachers who are committed to providing the best quality education often feel that every student deserves individual attention. They are focused on not only delivering lessons but also ensuring that each student comprehends and masters the material.

6. **Building Meaningful Relationships with Students**  
   Teachers who take the time to listen carefully to their students often develop strong, trusting relationships. This can create a sense of mutual respect and commitment, where the teacher feels connected to the students' growth and well-being.

7. **Spiritual Fulfillment**  
   Teaching the Qur'an can be a deeply spiritual practice. Many teachers believe that through their efforts, they are not only helping their students but also benefiting spiritually by engaging with sacred knowledge. The act of guiding others in learning the Qur'an may also be a form of worship or service to God for such teachers.

8. **Personal Satisfaction from Helping Others Excel**  
   For teachers who are dedicated, seeing their students succeed or correct their mistakes is a rewarding outcome. The teacher’s personal joy comes from witnessing a student's transformation in their understanding and recitation.

9. **Confidence in the Importance of the Subject**  
   A teacher who understands the centrality of the Noble Qur'an to the life of a Muslim may feel highly motivated to teach it thoroughly. They may view their work as integral to their students' spiritual and intellectual development, encouraging a commitment to excellence.

10. **Discipline and Routine**  
   Some teachers thrive on a disciplined approach to work and enjoy structure. The consistent routine of conducting weekly classes and engaging with students in a structured way might give the teacher a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

11. **Empathy and Understanding of the Students' Struggles**  
   A teacher who has been through the same learning process may empathize with her students. Understanding the challenges of learning the Noble Qur'an and the importance of correct pronunciation might make her more patient and committed to guiding her students through their mistakes.

12. **Influence of Role Models**  
   If the teacher was inspired by her own teachers or mentors, she may seek to emulate their dedication. Strong role models can influence the teaching style of others, especially when those role models exemplified patience, wisdom, and love for the subject.

13. **The Islamic Concept of Reward**  
   Many teachers in Islamic contexts believe in the concept of reward from God (Allah the Almighty) for their sincere efforts in teaching and guiding others, especially when it comes to teaching the Noble Qur'an. The promise of spiritual reward for helping others learn the sacred text could serve as a strong motivator for her to continue teaching with such dedication.

### Differences Between Highly Dedicated Teachers and Those Who Find Teaching Tiring

1. **Intrinsic Motivation vs. External Pressure**  
   Teachers who are intrinsically motivated (e.g., passion for the subject, a sense of personal fulfillment) tend to be more dedicated than those who are motivated by external pressures (e.g., financial needs or external expectations). The former is more likely to feel energized by the work, while the latter may feel drained or fatigued.

2. **Love for Teaching vs. Routine Work**  
   Teachers who love teaching often enjoy the process of guiding students and sharing knowledge, whereas those who view it as a routine or obligatory job may not find the same joy in it and might find it tiring over time.

3. **Self-Efficacy**  
   Teachers with a strong sense of self-efficacy believe they can make a difference in their students' lives, which boosts their motivation to continue teaching. In contrast, those who doubt their impact might feel disheartened and exhausted.

4. **Satisfaction from Student Progress**  
   Dedicated teachers experience satisfaction when they see their students succeed. When progress is slow or hard to achieve, however, teachers who are less dedicated may lose motivation, whereas the committed teacher sees progress as a long-term achievement and stays motivated.

5. **Emotional Resilience**  
   Highly dedicated teachers typically possess emotional resilience, allowing them to handle challenges like student mistakes or a large number of students without feeling overwhelmed. Teachers with less resilience might find it tiring to keep up with student demands or errors.

6. **Sense of Community**  
   Teachers who value building relationships and fostering a sense of community in the classroom are often more committed. In contrast, teachers who are less focused on this aspect may find teaching draining, especially in large or impersonal settings.

7. **Patience and Tolerance**  
   Patience is essential in teaching, especially in subjects that require repetition (like reciting verses from the Noble Qur'an). Some teachers naturally have greater patience and tolerance, allowing them to devote more time to each student without feeling fatigued.

8. **Connection to the Learning Process**  
   Teachers who are invested in the learning process, not just the teaching process, will naturally remain engaged and motivated. Those who focus only on "getting through the material" may struggle to stay engaged and become tired.

9. **Positive Classroom Environment**  
   Teachers who have a positive, supportive classroom environment feel more energized and motivated to continue teaching. A hostile or disengaged environment, however, can wear down even the most dedicated teachers.

10. **Work-Life Balance**  
    Teachers who maintain a healthy work-life balance are less likely to burn out, as they are able to manage their energy levels effectively. Those who do not prioritize balance may become overwhelmed and fatigued.

In conclusion, the teacher’s motivation likely stems from a combination of her passion for the Noble Qur'an, her sense of responsibility, and the fulfillment she gains from guiding others. These are the key factors that separate dedicated teachers from those who may find teaching exhausting, as personal drive, deep empathy, and the spiritual reward of their work sustain their efforts over time.