بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Note: More Info About The 16 MBTI Personality Types - Most Likable To Least

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Top 5 Most Likable MBTI Types & Why People Like Them

ESFJ ("The Caregiver")

ENFP ("The Campaigner")

ENFJ ("The Protagonist")

ESFP ("The Entertainer")

ISFJ ("The Defender")

7 Reasons Behind Their Likability:

Warm & Friendly – They easily create a welcoming atmosphere, making people feel comfortable around them.

Emotionally Supportive – These types often provide comfort and encouragement, which draws people in.

Good Social Skills – They excel at small talk, reading emotions, and making others feel valued.

Charismatic & Engaging – Their enthusiasm, humor, or ability to inspire others makes them magnetic.

Helpful & Considerate – They genuinely enjoy assisting people and making life easier for others.

Adaptable to Different Social Groups – They can shift between different crowds with ease.

People-Oriented – They genuinely enjoy human interaction and invest in relationships, making them naturally well-liked.

Top 5 Most Unapproachable / Unpopular MBTI Types (But They Don't Mind)

INTJ ("The Mastermind")

ISTP ("The Virtuoso")

ISTJ ("The Logistician")

ENTP ("The Debater")

INFP ("The Mediator")

7 Things That Make Them Unlikable to Many:

Blunt or Unfiltered – They often say what they think, which can come off as harsh or rude.

Detached or Emotionally Reserved – They usually don't engage in social niceties and may seem indifferent or uninterested in others' lives most of the time.

Private & Hard to Read – People often feel they can’t “figure them out” or connect with them emotionally.

Dislike of Social Norms – They reject superficial interactions and may challenge traditions or expectations at times.

Selective with Friendships – They don’t give time or attention to just anyone, making them seem cold or elitist.

Love for Debate or Solitude – They may argue for fun (ENTPs) or prefer being alone (INTJs, ISTPs), which can put people off.

Disinterest in People-Pleasing – They don’t care about conforming to social expectations or making people feel comfortable.

Why They’re Fine with Not Being Liked:

They Value Depth Over Popularity – They prefer a few meaningful connections over shallow approval.

They Prioritize Logic Over Social Harmony – Many would rather be right than be liked.

They See Socializing as Optional – They enjoy solitude or intellectual pursuits more than people-pleasing.

They Have Their Own Standards – They measure success by personal goals, not social validation.

They Find Most Social Norms Draining – Engaging in small talk or pretending to be friendly feels pointless.

They Attract the Right People Naturally – They know that those who genuinely appreciate them will stick around.

They’re Confident in Who They Are – They don’t need external validation to feel good about themselves.

Top 5 Most Likable MBTI Types & Why People Like Them (7 Points Each)

1. ESFJ ("The Caregiver")

Warm & Hospitable – Naturally friendly and welcoming to everyone they meet.

Loves Helping Others – Goes out of their way to assist people, making them feel valued.

Excellent Social Skills – Skilled at making conversations flow effortlessly.

Emotionally Expressive – Openly shows love, affection, and appreciation for people.

Strong Sense of Community – Loves group activities, traditions, and making people feel included.

Good at Conflict Resolution – Skilled at smoothing over disagreements and keeping peace.

Reliable & Responsible – People trust them because they always show up when needed.

2. ENFP ("The Campaigner")

Infectious Enthusiasm – Their excitement and energy make them fun to be around.

Great Storyteller & Conversationalist – Naturally engaging and full of interesting ideas.

Genuinely Curious About Others – Shows real interest in people’s thoughts and feelings.

Non-Judgmental & Accepting – Makes everyone feel seen and appreciated.

Spontaneous & Fun-Loving – Brings a sense of adventure and excitement to any social setting.

Emotionally Supportive – Quick to uplift others and offer encouragement.

Charismatic & Persuasive – Naturally draws people in with their charm and optimism.

3. ENFJ ("The Protagonist")

Deeply Empathetic – Easily understands and shares the feelings of others.

Inspiring & Encouraging – Motivates people to be their best selves.

Great at Building Connections – Forms strong relationships quickly and meaningfully.

Natural Leader – People feel comfortable following their guidance and wisdom.

Good at Conflict Mediation – Finds solutions that make everyone feel heard and respected.

Passionate & Expressive – Their energy and drive are contagious.

Loyal & Protective – Will go to great lengths to defend and support loved ones.

4. ESFP ("The Entertainer")

"Life of the Party" – Always brings excitement and fun to any gathering.

Highly Charismatic – Draws people in with their humor and charm.

Spontaneous & Adventurous – Loves trying new things and keeping life exciting.

Emotionally Expressive – Openly shares their joy, making people feel connected.

Great at Making People Laugh – Naturally witty and entertaining.

Inclusive & Friendly – Makes sure no one feels left out.

Optimistic & Energetic – Their positive energy makes them uplifting to be around.

5. ISFJ ("The Defender")

Deeply Caring & Thoughtful – Always looking out for others’ well-being.

Reliable & Trustworthy – Consistently dependable, making people feel secure.

Attentive to Others' Needs – Notices small details and makes people feel cared for.

Values Harmony – Prefers peace over drama and tension.

Humble & Modest – Doesn’t seek attention, making them easy to be around.

Patient & Kind – Willing to listen and offer gentle advice.

Loyal to Friends & Family – Forms strong, lasting bonds with loved ones.

Top 5 Most Unapproachable / Unpopular MBTI Types (But They Don't Mind) (7 Points Each)

1. INTJ ("The Mastermind")

Cold & Emotionally Reserved – Doesn't openly express feelings, making them seem very distant most of the time.

Blunt & Direct – Prioritizes logic over social niceties, which can seem harsh to more sensitive types of individuals.

High Standards for Relationships – Only values deep, intellectual connections, ignoring small talk.

Dislikes Group Activities – Prefers working alone and finds socializing exhausting.

Arrogant or Condescending – Can come off as "superior" in some situations due to their knowledge and independence.

Hard to Impress – Not easily swayed by emotions, trends, or social validation.

Doesn’t Care About Being Liked – Sees popularity as meaningless and prefers respect over approval.

2. ISTP ("The Virtuoso")

Quiet & Detached – Often keeps to themselves and doesn't engage in unnecessary conversations.

Dislikes Small Talk – Prefers practical, hands-on experiences over chatting about feelings.

Appears Emotionless – Can seem indifferent even in emotional situations.

Independent & Non-Conforming – Doesn’t follow social rules just for the sake of fitting in.

Risk-Taker but Unpredictable – Can suddenly disappear or act on impulse, confusing others.

Doesn’t Open Up Easily – Keeps personal thoughts and emotions private.

Fine Being Alone – Genuinely enjoys solitude and doesn’t need social validation.

3. ISTJ ("The Logistician")

Serious & Reserved – Doesn’t engage in casual banter or social pleasantries.

Rule-Oriented & Strict – Prefers structure and discipline over flexibility.

Emotionally Unexpressive – Not comfortable with expressing emotions or dealing with them.

Dislikes Spontaneity – Prefers routine and finds unpredictability stressful.

Harsh but Honest – Doesn’t sugarcoat things, which can make them seem overly critical.

Prefers Work Over Socializing – More focused on duties and responsibilities than fun.

Doesn’t Care About Popularity – Finds validation in hard work and personal success rather than approval.

4. ENTP ("The Debater")

Loves Arguing & Challenging Ideas – Often debates for fun, which can be exhausting for others.

Can Be Overwhelming – Talks fast, jumps between topics, and dominates conversations.

Blunt & Sarcastic – Can come off as rude or dismissive.

Dislikes Conventional Thinking – Questions traditions and rules, which can be unsettling.

Unpredictable & Impulsive – May drop certain friendships or cancel some commitments if they get bored.

Values Intelligence Over Friendliness – Prefers engaging discussions over emotional connections.

Fine Being Misunderstood – Enjoys being the outsider or the controversial figure.

5. INFP ("The Mediator")

Deep but Distant – Prefers meaningful one-on-one conversations over socializing with groups.

Highly Idealistic – Can seem disconnected from reality, making them hard to relate to.

Easily Offended – Extremely sensitive to criticism, which can make some people walk on eggshells around them.

Prefers Deep Conversations – Finds casual socializing meaningless.

Prone to Moodiness – Can withdraw suddenly and become difficult to reach or connect with.

Doesn’t Like Social Pressure – Hates forced interactions and fakeness.

Prefers Selective Friendships – Would rather have a few deep connections than be widely liked.

Why These Types Are Okay With Not Being Liked:

They Have Their Own Priorities – Popularity isn't a priority; personal goals matter more.

They See Social Approval as Superficial – They prefer respect, independence, or knowledge over being liked.

They Don’t Need Many Friends – A small, trusted circle is enough for them.

They Find Social Norms Limiting – They prefer living by their own rules rather than conforming.

They Value Depth Over Socializing – Superficial interactions drain them.

They Enjoy Their Alone Time – Solitude is energizing for them rather than "lonely".

They Know Their Worth – They don’t rely on others’ opinions for validation.
⤴️ Some notes from ChatGPT

✅ Question: List 5 things which each of the 16 mbti personality types would notice in someone if they can sense that person is intensely jealous of them and they know for sure they're guilty of extreme jealousy and what 5 things would make those types realize "oh she's not jealous of me, that's a green flag, she's okay".

💻 ChatGPT: Here’s how each MBTI type might notice intense jealousy in someone and what would reassure them that the person is not jealous (a green flag).

Analysts (NTs)


Jealousy Signs:

Tries to undermine their plans or downplay achievements.

Copies them in a passive-aggressive way (not out of admiration).

Competes in things they didn’t care about before.

Gives backhanded compliments disguised as intellectual critique.

Watches them too closely, looking for flaws.

Green Flags:

Respects their space and independence.

Acknowledges their success without making it a competition.

Shares valuable knowledge without trying to one-up.

Doesn’t mimic their behavior unnaturally.

Can engage in deep discussions without making it about status.


Jealousy Signs:

Tries to sabotage their leadership or reputation.

Asks leading questions to find weaknesses.

Mimics their strategies but refuses to acknowledge them.

Smirks when they struggle.

Tries to gain authority over them.

Green Flags:

Competes fairly and with integrity.

Shows admiration without being manipulative.

Seeks advice without ulterior motives.

Gives direct and constructive feedback.

Stands their ground without trying to dethrone them.


Jealousy Signs:

Challenges their logic in a dismissive way.

Downplays their intelligence while secretly imitating their ideas.

Gets visibly uncomfortable when they’re praised.

Contradicts them for the sake of it.

Tries to prove they’re the "true intellectual."

Green Flags:

Enjoys discussing ideas without competing.

Admits when they learn something from them.

Can handle different viewpoints without resentment.

Encourages their creativity instead of nitpicking.

Doesn't act defensive when they're right.


Jealousy Signs:

Turns every conversation into a debate to prove superiority.

Jokes in a way that subtly undermines them.

Avoids acknowledging their innovative ideas.

Tries to outshine them socially.

Dismisses their achievements as "mere coincidence." (Note: No such thing as "luck" in Islam.)

Green Flags:

Engages in debates with mutual respect.

Laughs at their jokes instead of making everything a competition.

Supports their ideas and builds upon them.

Can celebrate their wins without sarcasm.

Treats them as an equal rather than a rival.

Diplomats (NF)


Jealousy Signs:

Tries to manipulate people against them subtly.

Acts overly sweet while harboring resentment.

Seems disappointed rather than happy for their success.

Tries to imitate their depth but lacks authenticity.

Passive-aggressively questions their decisions.

Green Flags:

Supports their goals without hidden motives.

Respects their emotional depth.

Can share personal insights without trying to "out-intuit" them.

Genuinely enjoys deep conversations.

Doesn’t turn everything into a psychological battle.


Jealousy Signs:

Acts overly charming but subtly excludes them.

Turns people against them using emotional appeal.

Gets visibly annoyed when they get attention.

Compliments them but then overshadows them immediately.

Mirrors them but takes credit for their ideas.

Green Flags:

Promotes their success in social settings.

Encourages others to support them.

Listens actively without trying to shift the spotlight.

Shares their influence instead of hoarding it.

Celebrates their wins genuinely.


Jealousy Signs:

Becomes cold and distant when they succeed.

Writes cryptic, bitter social media posts.

Acts as if their success is a personal betrayal.

Subtly undermines their values.

Criticizes them indirectly through poetry, art, or posts.

Green Flags:

Respects their uniqueness instead of resenting it.

Remains emotionally warm even when they succeed.

Supports their dreams without comparing.

Encourages their creativity without jealousy.

Doesn’t guilt-trip them for doing well.


Jealousy Signs:

Becomes passive-aggressive when they get attention.

Copies them but pretends it's just a "coincidence."

Criticizes them in a way that seems lighthearted but stings.

Steals their ideas and acts like they’re original.

Tries to outdo them in social situations.

Green Flags:

Celebrates their success instead of competing.

Encourages their ideas instead of stealing them.

Genuinely enjoys their company without hidden resentment.

Doesn’t make everything about themselves.

Shares their enthusiasm rather than trying to take the spotlight.

Sentinels (SJ)


Jealousy Signs:

Criticizes their achievements as "overrated."

Ignores their success instead of acknowledging it.

Discredits their hard work.

Tries to make them seem irresponsible.

Enforces unnecessary rules to limit them.

Green Flags:

Recognizes their competence without feeling threatened.

Gives fair and objective feedback.

Respects their work ethic.

Doesn’t engage in passive-aggressive competition.

Works with them instead of against them.


Jealousy Signs:

Tries to assert authority over them.

Downplays their competence in front of others.

Criticizes them excessively.

Competes aggressively for status.

Gets visibly irritated when they outperform them.

Green Flags:

Respects their efficiency.

Gives credit where it's due.

Competes fairly instead of sabotaging.

Can collaborate without trying to dominate.

Genuinely recognizes their leadership skills.


Jealousy Signs:

Gets overly critical about minor things.

Acts sweet but gossips behind their back.

Becomes passive-aggressive.

Avoids them when they succeed.

Over-explains their own accomplishments as a defense.

Green Flags:

Shows consistent kindness regardless of success.

Supports their growth instead of feeling insecure.

Doesn’t compare achievements.

Remains emotionally steady around them.

Offers encouragement without resentment.


Jealousy Signs:

Plays the victim when they achieve something.

Tries to turn mutual friends against them.

Smiles but gives condescending compliments.

Acts excessively competitive in social settings.

Becomes visibly uncomfortable when they’re praised.

Green Flags:

Treats them warmly even when they succeed.

Genuinely enjoys their accomplishments.

Supports them socially instead of excluding them.

Doesn’t engage in social drama.

Expresses happiness for them without hidden resentment.

Each MBTI type perceives jealousy differently, but in general, jealous people act passive-aggressively, subtly sabotage, or compete unnecessarily. Green flags include respect, support, and genuine happiness for the other person’s success.