بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Note: Self-Respect VS Embarrassing Oneself

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid chasing after people who clearly do not value you because people who do that often end up feeling used and unappreciated.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid oversharing personal struggles with strangers or on social media because people who do that often invite unnecessary judgment and gossip.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid begging for attention from others because people who do that usually end up being pitied rather than admired.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid constantly apologizing for things you didn’t do wrong because people who do that train others to take advantage of their guilt.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid dressing in a way that contradicts your values just to impress others because people who do that often feel uncomfortable and regretful afterward.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid gossiping about others to fit in because people who do that become untrustworthy and eventually find themselves gossiped about too.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid tolerating mistreatment from friends or family out of fear of being alone because people who do that end up drained and undervalued.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid forcing friendships with people who clearly don’t reciprocate your efforts because people who do that waste their energy on one-sided relationships.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid posting desperate or attention-seeking content online because people who do that often lose credibility and self-worth in the process.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid speaking too loudly or inappropriately in public just to be noticed because people who do that usually embarrass themselves more than impress anyone.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid making a scene in public over minor inconveniences because people who do that appear emotionally unstable and difficult to be around.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid blindly following trends that contradict your principles because people who do that eventually lose their identity and integrity.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid interrupting or talking over others to seem important because people who do that end up looking rude and insecure.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid overspending on luxury items just to impress others because people who do that often struggle financially while trying to maintain a false image.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid tolerating a relationship where you are consistently disrespected because people who do that slowly lose their confidence and happiness.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid changing your personality just to be liked because people who do that attract shallow relationships based on pretense.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid allowing others to humiliate you without standing up for yourself because people who do that are often seen as weak and easy to manipulate.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid clinging to past friendships that have become toxic because people who do that keep themselves stuck in unhealthy cycles.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid acting irrationally or inappropriately just for attention because people who do that end up being seen as desperate rather than likable.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid reacting impulsively to every negative comment or slight because people who do that allow others to control their emotions.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid constantly comparing yourself to others because people who do that never find peace or satisfaction in their own journey.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid forcing your way into social circles that clearly don’t welcome you because people who do that end up looking needy and out of place.

If you truly have some self-respect, then avoid staying silent when someone disrespects you because people who do that teach others that they can continue treating them poorly.
⤴️ Some notes from ChatGPT
💻 ChatGPT: You know that someone truly respects themselves if they walk away from relationships that consistently drain or disrespect them.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they set boundaries and enforce them without feeling guilty.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they speak with confidence without needing to prove themselves to others.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they don’t tolerate being belittled or humiliated, no matter who it comes from.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they prioritize personal growth over seeking external validation.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they stay true to their principles, even when faced with social pressure.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they take care of their appearance and hygiene without relying on others’ approval.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they know when to be silent and when to speak up for themselves.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they don’t waste time begging for attention from people who ignore them.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they take responsibility for their mistakes instead of making excuses.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they don’t overshare personal struggles with just anyone.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they don’t change their personality just to fit in.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they can handle criticism without feeling personally attacked.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they walk with confidence and maintain good posture in public.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they choose to stay silent instead of engaging in petty arguments.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they don’t lower their standards just to be in a connection or toxic friendship.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they choose quality over quantity when it comes to establishing and maintaining friendships.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they maintain emotional control instead of reacting impulsively.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they invest their time in meaningful goals instead of mindless distractions.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they refuse to let others guilt-trip them into doing things they don’t want to do.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they dress appropriately for different occasions while still staying true to their style.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they don’t seek validation through excessive social media posting.

You know that someone truly respects themselves if they focus on improving their skills rather than just showing off.

💻 ChatGPT: You're not respecting yourself if you keep chasing people who don’t value you. Instead, do more self-improvement and surround yourself with those who appreciate you.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep tolerating disrespect just to avoid confrontation. Instead, do more setting firm boundaries and enforcing them.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. Instead, do more standing up for yourself with confidence.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep oversharing personal problems with people who don’t care. Instead, do more confiding in trusted individuals who genuinely support you.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep comparing yourself to others. Instead, do more focusing on your own progress and personal growth.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep accepting one-sided friendships. Instead, do more surrounding yourself with people who sincerely reciprocate your kindness and effort.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep pretending to be someone you're not to fit in. Instead, do more embracing your true self and connecting with those who value integrity and authenticity.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep overextending yourself for people who wouldn’t do the same for you. Instead, do more prioritizing your own well-being.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep making decisions just to please others. Instead, do more choosing what aligns with your values and happiness.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep engaging in gossip to feel included. Instead, do more meaningful conversations that add value to your life.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep seeking validation through social media likes and comments. Instead, do more finding fulfillment in real-life achievements and connections.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep letting people use you for their benefit. Instead, do more recognizing your worth and walking away from manipulative relationships.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep dressing in a way that contradicts your values just for approval. Instead, do more expressing yourself in a way that aligns with your beliefs.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep accepting toxic behavior in relationships. Instead, do more prioritizing self-worth and demanding mutual respect.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep holding onto grudges that drain your energy. Instead, do more letting go and focusing on your peace.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep sacrificing your goals to satisfy others. Instead, do more pursuing your dreams with determination.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep overreacting emotionally to minor issues. Instead, do more practicing patience and self-control.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep lowering your standards for temporary companionship. Instead, do more waiting for relationships that truly value and uplift you.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep allowing fear of rejection to hold you back. Instead, do more taking risks and believing in your abilities.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep making yourself small to make others comfortable. Instead, do more embracing your intelligence and confidence unapologetically.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep seeking closure from people who hurt you. Instead, do more creating your own closure and moving forward for Allah's sake.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep dwelling on past mistakes. Instead, do more learning from them and growing into a better version of yourself.

You're not respecting yourself if you keep wasting time on petty or unimportant things that don’t align with your values. Instead, do more investing in activities that truly enrich your life (in both worlds).
⤴️ Some notes from ChatGPT