بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Note: Some Lessons Learned From Attending The Wedding Of One Of My Husband's Young Relatives

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

🌼 Alhamdulillah. Three lessons learned to share for Allah's sake from attending the wedding of one of my husband's younger maternal cousins this morning at Al-Raddadi Suites hotel somewhere near SM Ecoland (Davao city, Southern Philippines):
1• To those who will Inn-sha-Allah become husbands and wives in the future, don't always expect your family especially your parents and other relatives to attend your wedding because one or some of them may either not be alive at that time or they have no choice but to remain in the city where they're employed in. Train yourself to trust Allah the Almighty at all times and never get emotionally attached to Allah's servants. Positively look forward to reuniting with your Muslim loved ones and friends Inn-sha-Allah in Jannah Paradise.
2• From time to time in this dunya we encounter various circumstances in which our Sabr patience and faith Imaan levels can get tested. There are more blessings and lots of benefits Inn-sha-Allah in trying to patiently observe a situation and learning to be contented than instantly assuming you're being oppressed or unjustly mistreated on purpose. For instance, since my husband was on duty at a different city and he couldn't attend the wedding, I asked one of my relatives if we can go together to the hotel and etc etc until we decided to go with taxi Alhamdulillah and then return with the car of another of our relatives without offense taken Alhamdulillah since the former arrived at the wedding late as they were asleep accordingly for some hours in the morning. As much as possible never let pride/kibr (or big ego) cause you to have unnecessary conflict with your family and loved ones. Be the first to forgive for Allah's sake and understand that not everything in this temporary dunya is bound to go exactly as how you'd like it to be. This earth is a platform of tests, not heaven or garden of eternal bliss.
3• Remind yourself that as long as Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala created you as a human being, you're not the only individual in this universe who gets tired, sleepy, worried, overwhelmed and stressed out sometimes, which is another valid reason to never envy others because all of us humans have our own set of struggles, worries and different problems to solve. Alhamdulillah I'm grateful also that we were able to enjoy again more of the flavorful dishes of sister Jannah Umm Muhammad. You're welcome to order from her whenever she's not busy with other orders. She's one of the Muslim female entrepreneurs I recommend here in the Philippines as in my opinion she tries her best Inn-sha-Allah to ensure that her cooking are halal and reach safely to the customers' destination. May Allah the Most Kind always bless her halal businesses and also bless the marriages of those Muslims who sincerely want to keep their love halal and blessed in both worlds. Ameen.


