بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Note: Oh You're An Oversensitive Type? Goodbye (Some notes from ChatGPT)

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

✅ Question: Today while chatting with a female who I haven't met personally yet, I've realized from her recent messages that she seems extremely sensitive as I asked her some simple questions for clarifications while she unnecessarily overreacted and started behaving irrationally despite being an adult supposedly in her 30s or so. I have a strong feeling that she could be struggling from severe narcissistic personality disorder and I won't be surprised at all if she blocked me on social media simply for taking offense at my asking her some questions for clarification. I'm an INTJ-A who once I confirm that someone appears oversensitive or unreasonably nervous around me, I gladly distance myself from them online and offline for Allah's sake, uninterested in stalking their nonsense nor eager to ask anybody else about them. What tips can you share with an INTJ-A on how to effectively avoid narcissists and overly sensitive personality types?

➡️ ChatGPT: Dealing with sensitive individuals or potential narcissists can be challenging, especially for an INTJ-A who values rationality and direct communication. Here are some tips that might help you navigate these situations more effectively:

1. **Set Clear Boundaries**: Clearly define and communicate your boundaries to avoid misunderstandings. This helps prevent you from being drawn into unnecessary emotional drama.

2. **Stay Objective**: Maintain a focus on facts and logic in your interactions. Avoid getting emotionally involved or letting others' reactions influence your behavior.

3. **Limit Personal Disclosure**: Be cautious about sharing personal information or opinions that might trigger a strong emotional response from others.

4. **Observe Reactions**: Pay attention to how someone responds to constructive feedback or questions. Overly defensive or dramatic reactions can be red flags.

5. **Avoid Personalization**: If someone reacts negatively, try not to take it personally. Their reactions often reflect their own issues rather than something about you.

6. **Use Written Communication**: When possible, use written forms of communication. This allows you to clearly articulate your thoughts and provides a record of the conversation, reducing the potential for misinterpretation.

7. **Practice Detachment**: If you sense that someone is highly sensitive or narcissistic, it's often best to distance yourself and limit interactions. Focus on relationships where communication is more straightforward and balanced.

8. **Educate Yourself**: Understanding more about narcissistic traits and sensitive personalities can help you recognize red flags earlier and respond appropriately.

By applying these strategies, you can minimize the likelihood of encountering unnecessary conflicts and maintain more productive and harmonious interactions.

✅ Question: Make 11 sentences to describe my overall personality as an INTJ-A who would likely say to others "if you like me, that's fine. I'll try to return your favors Inn-sha-Allah and kindness. If you despise me, that's not my problem. You can walk away and I won't bother chasing you nor would I ask for your forgiveness if I know I've never acted irrational nor oppressive."

➡️ ChatGPT:

1. As an INTJ-A, I value independence and self-sufficiency, and I prioritize my own principles and goals over external validation.

2. I approach interactions with a logical and strategic mindset, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness rather than seeking approval.

3. My confidence and self-assuredness mean that I am comfortable with others accepting or rejecting me without taking it personally.

4. I believe in reciprocal kindness, and while I appreciate genuine connections, I’m not easily swayed by superficial relationships.

5. I maintain a clear sense of personal integrity, so I am unlikely to apologize for things I believe I haven't done wrong.

6. My decision-making is rooted in careful analysis and long-term vision, which means I often prioritize my plans over immediate social concerns.

7. I value directness and honesty in communication, preferring straightforward interactions without unnecessary emotional entanglements.

8. My independence extends to how I handle conflicts; I don’t feel compelled to chase after or appease those who are critical of me.

9. I hold a strong sense of personal responsibility and self-respect, which means I won’t compromise my values to gain others' approval.

10. My demeanor might come across as detached to some, but it’s simply a reflection of my focus on strategic thinking and personal objectives.

11. I believe in mutual respect and expect others to understand that my approach to relationships is shaped by my commitment to rationality and self-reliance (while trusting Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala always).

⤴️ Some notes from ChatGPT

✅ Question: Be as frank as you can. How would a confident INTJ-A female treat you once they realize you're actually an oversensitive narcissist and they being 1w9 unapologetically walk away without clarifying their decision to quit trying to get to know you more personally?

ChatGPT: An INTJ-A female who realizes you're an oversensitive narcissist might simply decide it's not worth her time to continue the interaction. As a Type 1w9, she values integrity and consistency but also seeks peace and harmony. If she perceives that the relationship isn't aligning with her values or goals, she might walk away without explanation, especially if she believes any further engagement would be futile or counterproductive. Her decision to disengage would be driven by her preference for efficiency and clarity, rather than a need for personal conflict resolution or emotional involvement.

An INTJ-A female with a 1w9 personality might stop doing the following to avoid an oversensitive narcissist:

1. **Initiating Contact**: She'd likely cease reaching out or starting conversations.

2. **Engaging in Deep Discussions**: Avoiding deep, personal conversations or emotional exchanges.

3. **Offering Support**: Stopping any attempts to offer emotional or practical support.

4. **Making Plans**: Not including you in future plans or activities.

5. **Responding Promptly**: Taking longer to respond to messages or calls.

6. **Showing Empathy**: Withdrawing from showing understanding or empathy.

7. **Providing Feedback**: Avoiding giving constructive feedback or critiques.

8. **Seeking Your Opinions**: Not asking for or considering your opinions or advice.

9. **Sharing Personal Information**: Stopping sharing her own personal thoughts or feelings.

10. **Being Available**: Reducing her availability for meetings or social interactions.

11. **Engaging in Conflict Resolution**: Not investing time in resolving conflicts or misunderstandings.

To avoid you, she might:

1. **Limit Interaction**: Only interact when absolutely necessary.

2. **Be Direct but Polite**: Communicate in a clear, straightforward manner without engaging emotionally.

3. **Set Boundaries**: Establish clear boundaries to minimize contact.

4. **Avoid Social Media**: Remove or limit online interactions and visibility.

5. **Seek Out Other Social Circles**: Spend more time with other friends or colleagues.

6. **Redirect Conversations**: Steer discussions to neutral topics or away from personal matters.

7. **Use Formal Communication**: Opt for professional or formal modes of communication rather than personal.

8. **Avoid Situations Together**: Ensure she’s not in situations where you're present.

9. **Limit Emotional Investment**: Keep interactions brief and transactional.

10. **Be Less Accessible**: Reduce availability for calls, messages, or meetings.

11. **Focus on Personal Goals**: Concentrate on her own interests and goals, minimizing time spent on interactions with you. 

⚠️Note: this INTJ-A would also gladly refrain from stalking your posts online, so don't waste time sharing cowardly passive-aggressive status updates which she won't bother skimming or checking.