بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
❗⚠️ Allah the Almighty knows best. Something that is commonly done among some Muslims is: forgetting or neglecting to specify one's niyyah intention to fast. Some wake up for Suhur eagerly just to eat so they won't feel hungry throughout the sunny day or they gather with their loved ones during Suhur time as a mere "habit" or "custom" or "because they've always practiced it". Some fast probably to lose a significant amount of weight, while others do so only because they don't want to disappoint their parents or family.
✅ As Muslims Alhamdulillah we must make the right niyyah intention to fast and it should be done on every night during the blessed month Ramadan, on the night before the next day so that if the Adhaan of Fajr Salah is called and we overslept, the alarms were not loud enough or the cellphone was set to silent mode, or the similarly busy individual whom we requested to wake us up for Suhur likewise went to sleep etc. then at least we continue fasting for Allah's sake because we already made the niyyah intention to fast the obligatory fasting in Ramadan, as a Muslim who strives to obey Allah's Commands as much as we can.
☑️ When it comes to fasting Sunnah / voluntary fasts like every other Monday and Thursday, or on Yawm 'Arafah (for non-pilgrims), then one's niyyah intention can be made even in the daytime as long as one didn't eat or drink anything prior to the start of Salat Al-Fajr.
May Allah the Most Merciful forgive all our mistakes, increase us in wisdom and guide us to doing more righteous deeds which make us deserving of a peaceful entry to Jannatul Ferdaus with Allah's Mercy. Ameen.