💎 Allah the Almighty knows best. Accordingly the new moon has not been sighted on Jumuah Friday so Sunday Inn-sha-Allah is the 1st day of Ramadan 1446H in the Philippines.
✅ Inn-sha-Allah this Saturday evening of March 1 2025 is the start of praying Sunnah Taraweeh prayers.
All residents of Davao city, Mindanao Southern Philippines are welcome to pray at the Masjid here in Wisdom Islamic School compound (11 Rak'aat 2, then 2, then 2, then 2, then Salat Al-Witr 2 and then 1 Rak'ah total of 11 Rak'aat).
📔 WIS Student Handbook (most updated):
✨ From the methods of payment to pay for the students' tuition fees, 100 PHP monthly payment for the air-conditioned classrooms (or 1K to complete payment of the whole year), to settle debts, to purchase school badges/logos or to contribute some amount as Sadaqah for Allah's sake - also Sadaqah charity on behalf of deceased Muslims to assist with renovating the school's facilities (to repair damages on ceilings, buy new light bulbs, wall paint, additional cabinets, fix roofs and add chairs, shoe racks etc.) any amount such as 300 pesos or 500 pesos you regularly contribute for Allah's sake will
Inn-sha-Allah be multiplied and recorded in your scale of good deeds:
➡️ GCash:
Acct. name: Abdurrahman Dindang Mababaya
Acct. number: 09065580733
☑️ Or
❓ Question: Thoroughly and clearly describe the tone of this status update and explain in 21 points what it means then give 7 examples to clarify its message:
"No textual proofs in the Noble Qur'an that states we must always follow Saudi Arabia regarding moon sightings. Obey the Muslim authorities in your own country/region concerning when to start fasting for Allah's sake - don't rebel against them nor defy their announcements as long as our actions do not oppose Allah's Legislations.
We strive to follow the Sunnah of the beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, not to satisfy wrong desires or whims, not people's opinions and definitely not any random "sheikh" acting like Mr Bean."
💻 ChatGPT: Tone of the Status Update:
The tone of the status update can be described as authoritative, firm, and corrective. It conveys a sense of clarity, urging adherence to Islamic principles, while directly addressing misunderstandings or misinterpretations related to the moon sighting issue and the obedience to authorities. There’s also a hint of frustration or disapproval towards those who might be engaging in misguided actions, especially in the context of following "random" or unreliable religious leaders.
21 Points to Explain the Message:
Clarification of Authority: The statement emphasizes that there is no direct evidence in the Noble Qur'an specifically instructing Muslims to follow Saudi Arabia’s moon sightings for fasting.
Local Authority: It stresses that Muslims should follow the guidance of the Muslim authorities in their own country or region regarding the start of fasting.
Obedience for Allah's Sake: The importance of following local authorities is framed within the context of obedience to Allah’s commands, rather than arbitrary preferences.
Avoid Rebellion: The update advises against rebelling against or defying local Islamic authorities, as long as their announcements align with Allah’s teachings.
Adherence to Allah’s Laws: It reassures that the actions of following local authorities should not contradict Allah’s Commands and Legislations.
Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam: The update calls for following the Sunnah of the noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam rather than one's personal whims or desires.
Rejecting Personal Desires: The reference to “wrong desires or whims” suggests that following one’s own preferences or interpretations of religious practices is discouraged.
Caution Against Blind Following: The reference to “random ‘sheikhs’ acting like Mr. Bean” implies that blindly following ill-informed or unreliable religious leaders is inappropriate.
Cultural Sensitivity: It encourages respect for the norms and practices of one's own region while adhering to Islamic principles.
Unity: By advocating for regional obedience, the statement implicitly calls for unity among Muslims, avoiding divisions caused by differing moon sightings.
Avoiding Chaos: The message suggests that defying established religious authorities may lead to confusion and chaos within the community.
Disapproval of Misinformation: The update seems to reject misinformation spread by individuals who may lack knowledge or authority, illustrated by the Mr. Bean comparison.
Direct Communication: The tone directly addresses a specific issue within the Muslim community, rather than being vague or generalized.
Respect for Religious Authorities: There is a call to respect religious scholars and authorities who are well-versed in Islamic teachings.
Faith in Prophetic Traditions: The update stresses the importance of adhering to the established practices of the noble Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, highlighting the Sunnah.
Clarity and Simplicity: The language used is clear and simple, aiming to address a practical issue that many Muslims face during Ramadan.
Criticism of Unverified Practices: The status update critiques the practice of following unverified or unreliable sources of religious rulings.
Appeal to Reason: The message suggests that Muslims should rely on reason and proper understanding of the faith rather than relying on unsourced opinions.
Call for Discipline: The statement implicitly advocates for discipline in following religious practices based on sound knowledge.
Consistency in Action: It encourages Muslims to be consistent in their actions, following local authorities’ decisions as long as they align with Islamic teachings.
Discouragement of Fragmentation: The update discourages practices that could lead to fragmentation or division in the Muslim community.
7 Examples to Clarify the Message:
Example 1: Moon Sighting: A Muslim in the UK should follow the moon sighting decisions made by local religious authorities in the UK rather than relying solely on Saudi Arabia’s moon sighting, as long as the decision aligns with Islamic teachings.
Example 2: Eid Celebrations: In a region where local authorities declare Eid based on the local moon sighting, it is important for the community to follow that announcement instead of seeking moon sightings from other countries.
Example 3: Obeying Local Scholars: A Muslim living in the US should follow the rulings of a well-respected local Islamic scholar or institution regarding the beginning of fasting during Ramadan, not a random "sheikh" with no proven expertise.
Example 4: Avoiding Disunity: If one region declares the start of fasting on a particular day, Muslims should not oppose it by declaring a different day based on moon sightings from Saudi Arabia or any other country, as this can create unnecessary division.
Example 5: Following the Sunnah: A Muslim should focus on practicing the Sunnah of the noble Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam by respecting the authority of scholars in their own community who make decisions based on Islamic principles, rather than following practices driven by personal desires.
Example 6: Rejecting Unreliable Leaders: If an individual or an online personality who lacks knowledge begins giving rulings on moon sightings, Muslims are advised to avoid such figures and instead trust qualified scholars and reliable institutions.
Example 7: Regional Practices: In a country where local religious authorities have determined the day for starting fasting, it is recommended to follow that, as long as the decision aligns with Islamic law, and not to go against the authorities or create confusion by defying the consensus.
The reference to "Mr. Bean" in this statement is likely meant to serve as a metaphor or sarcastic comparison to convey the lack of seriousness or credibility of certain individuals who may present themselves as religious authorities or scholars without proper knowledge or qualification.
Mr. Bean, a popular British comedic character played by Rowan Atkinson, is known for his quirky, sometimes absurd behavior and lack of verbal communication. His actions often result in unintended chaos and confusion. By likening such individuals to Mr. Bean, the author of the statement is expressing disapproval of people who act unpredictably or irresponsibly in the role of a religious leader, without proper understanding of Islamic teachings.
In essence, the comparison suggests that some individuals may masquerade as "sheikhs" or religious leaders, giving rulings on important matters like moon sightings or fasting, but their actions are not grounded in sound Islamic knowledge—they are as misguided or ridiculous as Mr. Bean’s antics.
The message is to warn against following those who lack proper religious scholarship, and instead, to focus on respected, qualified authorities who can provide legitimate guidance.
⤴️ Some notes from ChatGPT
⚠️ Never solely rely on AI (artificial intelligence) regarding fataawa or religious verdicts.