بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Note: Checklist To Check If One's Upbringing Was Good Or Bad (ChatGPT)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

❓ Question: Make a checklist for us to check to determine if we had excellent, refined and dignified upbringing.

💻 ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's a checklist to evaluate if you had an excellent, refined, and dignified upbringing:

1. **Respect and Courtesy:**
   - Were you taught to treat others with respect and kindness? (Alhamdulillah yes✅)
   - Did you learn the importance of polite manners and courteous behavior? (Alhamdulillah yes✅)

2. **Education and Learning:**
   - Did you have access to quality education and resources? (Alhamdulillah yes✅ I've studied at both private Arabic and English international schools in Saudi Arabia as well as some public Saudi governmental schools)

   - Were you encouraged to pursue knowledge and intellectual growth? (Alhamdulillah yes✅)

3. **Values and Ethics:**
   - Were strong moral values and ethical principles instilled in you? (Alhamdulillah yes✅)
   - Did you learn the importance of integrity and honesty?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

4. **Emotional Intelligence:**
   - Were you taught to understand and manage your emotions effectively?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)
   - Did you receive guidance on empathy and interpersonal relationships?
(Alhamdulillah yes especially from my dear mother - Allah yarhamha. Ameen. ✅)

5. **Social Skills:**
   - Were you encouraged to develop good communication and social skills?
(Alhamdulillah yes from both my dear parents who were both PhD doctors - Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)
   - Did you learn how to handle social situations gracefully?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

6. **Responsibility and Independence:**
   - Did you learn the importance of personal responsibility and accountability?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)
   - Were you given opportunities to develop independence and self-reliance?
(Alhamdulillah yes while trusting Only Allah the Almighty at all times✅)

7. **Cultural Appreciation:**
   - Were you exposed to and encouraged to appreciate diverse cultures and traditions?
(Alhamdulillah yes also at school ✅)
   - Did you learn to value and respect different perspectives?
(Alhamdulillah yes, while striving to stick to Islamic morals and my values ✅)

8. **Health and Well-being:**
   - Were you educated about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and well-being?
(Alhamdulillah yes and still trying to work on it ✅)
   - Did you learn the importance of balance in work, play, and rest?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

9. **Problem-Solving and Resilience:**
   - Did you learn effective problem-solving skills and how to handle challenges?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

   - Were you guided on how to be resilient in the face of adversity?
(Alhamdulillah yes while trusting Allah the Almighty always. ✅)

10. **Family and Community Values:**
    - Were family bonds and community connections emphasized as important?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you experience a supportive and nurturing environment?
(Alhamdulillah yes with both my dear parents - Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)

Use this checklist to reflect on your upbringing and identify areas where you might have received excellent, refined, and dignified guidance.

💎 More questions: 

Certainly! Here are additional questions to further assess the quality and nature of your upbringing:

11. **Ethical Decision-Making:**
    - Were you encouraged to make decisions based on ethical considerations?
(Alhamdulillah yes, to make decisions based on what Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala and His noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam love. ✅)

    - Did you learn how to weigh the consequences of your actions?
(Alhamdulillah yes, while always recalling that Allah the All-Knowing sees us at all times and He Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala has several angels recording His servants' actions. ✅)

12. **Conflict Resolution:**
    - Were you taught strategies for resolving conflicts peacefully and effectively?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn how to negotiate and compromise?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

13. **Financial Literacy:**
    - Were you educated about managing finances, budgeting, and saving?
(Alhamdulillah yes and still trying to improve. ✅)

    - Did you learn the value of financial responsibility?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

14. **Personal Growth:**
    - Were you encouraged to pursue personal interests and hobbies?
(Alhamdulillah yes, and I've learned to avoid and abandon listening to music. May Allah the Almighty forgive all our sins and mistakes. Ameen. ✅)

    - Did you receive support in setting and achieving personal goals?
(Alhamdulillah yes my dear parents were extremely motivating, supportive and caring - Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)

15. **Civic Responsibility:**
    - Were you taught about civic duties and the importance of contributing to society?
(Alhamdulillah yes I remember my dear parents also frequently taking part in sending several packages of donated items, clothing and necessities to Muslim refugees in numerous countries including Palestine, Kosovo and Bosnia if I'm not mistaken back during our stay in Saudi Arabia. Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)

    - Did you participate in community service or charitable activities?
(Alhamdulillah yes in occasionally helping my dear parents regarding packing or arranging their donated clothing and necessities like blankets, jackets etc. to the Muslim refugees - of Kosovo and Bosnia etc. - back in Saudi Arabia. Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)

16. **Family Dynamics:**
    - Were family roles and responsibilities clearly defined and respected?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you experience a supportive and cohesive family environment?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

17. **Cultural and Social Awareness:**
    - Were you made aware of social issues and encouraged to think critically about them?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you engage in discussions about societal norms and values?
(Alhamdulillah yes about basic good etiquettes and integrity, as Muslims and human beings ✅)

18. **Self-Discipline and Work Ethic:**
    - Were you taught the value of hard work and perseverance?
(Alhamdulillah yes both my dear parents very often reminded us about the importance of sincere hard work for Allah's sake. Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)
    - Did you learn to set and adhere to personal standards of discipline?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

19. **Exposure to Diverse Perspectives:**
    - Were you exposed to a variety of viewpoints and encouraged to think critically?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn to appreciate and understand differing opinions?
(Alhamdulillah yes without sacrificing Islamic values and morals. ✅)

20. **Guidance and Mentorship:**
    - Did you have mentors or role models who provided guidance and support?
(Alhamdulillah yes my dear parents. Allah yarhamhuma. Ameen. ✅)

    - Were you encouraged to seek advice and learn from others?
(Alhamdulillah yes when necessary. We were taught from a young age that our best role model, Alhamdulillah, is the noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam. ✅)

21. **Spiritual and Philosophical Development:**
    - Were you encouraged to explore spiritual or philosophical beliefs and values? Alhamdulillah.

    - Did you learn to reflect on your purpose and place in the world?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

22. **Respect for Tradition and Innovation:**
    - Did you learn to balance respect for tradition with an openness to new ideas?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Were you encouraged to innovate while honoring established practices?
Innovation regarding religious deeds? No. We as Muslims must avoid bid'ah as much as we can.

Reflecting on these questions can provide deeper insights into the quality and impact of your upbringing.

💎 More questions:

💻 Certainly! Here are additional questions to further evaluate the nature of your upbringing:

23. **Self-Awareness:**
    - Were you encouraged to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and personal growth? (Alhamdulillah yes✅)
    - Did you receive feedback that helped you understand yourself better?
(Alhamdulillah yes very often. ✅)

24. **Interpersonal Relationships:**
    - Were you taught how to build and maintain healthy relationships?
(Alhamdulillah yes and until now I'm still learning. ✅)

    - Did you learn how to navigate different types of relationships (e.g., friends, colleagues)?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

25. **Critical Thinking:**
    - Were you encouraged to question and analyze information rather than accept it at face value?
(Alhamdulillah yes while aiming to always seek the truth. ✅)

    - Did you develop the ability to think independently and make informed decisions?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

26. **Adaptability:**
    - Were you guided on how to adapt to changes and uncertainty?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn to be flexible and resilient in various situations?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

27. **Gratitude and Humility:**
    - Were you taught the importance of showing gratitude and being humble?
(Alhamdulillah yes very frequently. ✅)

    - Did you practice acknowledging and appreciating what you have?
(Alhamdulillah yes always. ✅) 

28. **Time Management:**
    - Were you instructed on how to manage your time effectively?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn to prioritize tasks and balance various responsibilities?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

29. **Boundaries and Respect:**
    - Did you learn about setting and respecting personal boundaries?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Were you taught how to communicate your needs and respect others' boundaries?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

30. **Creative Expression:**
    - Were you encouraged to explore and express yourself creatively? 
(Alhamdulillah yes while being reminded to know when to keep certain info confidential specifically from individuals with bad motives or who are untrustworthy. ✅)

    - Did you have opportunities to engage in artistic or creative activities?
(Alhamdulillah yes while avoiding those things which are up undoubtedly forbidden/haraam in our Deen Islam including listening to music and sketching images of living beings etc. ✅)

31. **Decision-Making Skills:**
    - Were you involved in making decisions and learning from the outcomes?
(Alhamdulillah yes and I was taught about the importance of seeking help first from Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala then praying two Sunnah Rak'ahs of Salat Al-Istikhaara before making major decisions. ✅)

    - Did you receive guidance on evaluating options and considering long-term effects?
(Alhamdulillah yes while being regularly reminded about the reality of the advent of the Day of Judgment. ✅)

32. **Problem-Solving Approach:**
    - Were you taught to approach problems with a solutions-oriented mindset?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn to break down complex issues and tackle them systematically?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

33. **Self-Care:**
    - Were you guided on the importance of taking care of your mental and physical health?
(Alhamdulillah yes and I'm still learning. ✅)

    - Did you learn to recognize and address your own needs for self-care?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

34. **Respect for Nature and Environment:**
    - Were you taught the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainability?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn to appreciate and protect the natural world?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

35. **Communication Skills:**
    - Were you encouraged to develop strong verbal and written communication skills?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn how to listen actively and express yourself clearly?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

36. **Role of Education and Learning:**
    - Were you taught to view education as a lifelong pursuit rather than just a phase?
(Alhamdulillah yes, especially the importance of studying and continuously learning more about our religion Islam. ✅)

    - Did you learn to value continuous learning and self-improvement?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

37. **Cultural and Historical Awareness:**
    - Were you exposed to and taught about your cultural and historical heritage?
(Alhamdulillah yes but not much about the Philippines, I still need a lot more to learn ✅)

    - Did you learn to appreciate and understand different historical contexts?
(Alhamdulillah yes, Islamic history and I'm still learning whenever I find the opportunity to research more. ✅)

38. **Ethical Leadership:**
    - Were you given examples of ethical leadership and encouraged to exhibit those qualities?
(Alhamdulillah yes particularly from our best role model the beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam. ✅)

    - Did you learn how to lead by example and inspire others positively?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

39. **Generosity and Sharing:**
    - Were you taught the value of generosity and sharing with others?
(Alhamdulillah yes I remember we'd very regularly during Ramadan give some Iftaar dishes to share with some of our neighbors in the different apartments we stayed at back in Riyadh city Saudi Arabia. ✅)

    - Did you participate in activities that promoted giving and helping those in need?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

40. **Positive Attitude:**
    - Were you encouraged to maintain a positive outlook and optimism in the face of challenges?
(Alhamdulillah yes✅)

    - Did you learn to find opportunities for growth in difficult situations?
(Alhamdulillah, with Tawfeeq from Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala, yes ✅)

These questions can help provide a comprehensive view of the nature and quality of your upbringing.