بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Poem: Patiently Let Go Of Former "Friends" And Emotional Attachment

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

💌 Maybe you and certain ex-friends parted ways because 

Somewhere in that connection lingered destructive "love", 

A toxic bond that distanced you from Allah above. 

Unhealthy thoughts of them replaced Adhkaar and Du'as.


Perhaps Allah saw how you excitedly waited 

For those ex-friends' replies while prayers were neglected, 

How you'd think of them a lot before going to bed, 

Longing to meet them while you'd approach Salah with dread.


Allah may have witnessed how you'd get so excited 

To chat with them and have their social media posts read,

Instead of having each prayer anticipated, 

So Allah saved you by getting you separated.


It's for the best that they left, though you can't feel it yet.

Better to have loved and lost than be devastated 

By staying glued to people who keep you distracted 

From Allah and ensuring your goals are accomplished.


It's a gift with those souls you're no longer connected.

If they were good for you, if they could bring benefit, 

And if their hearts didn't conceal envy or grudges, 

Allah would've let them stay - you'd be undivided.


Had they remained as friends, maybe they would have misled 

You to commit major sins which you'd later regret - 

From zina and adultery to gossip and theft, 

To having your parents or husband disrespected.


So Alhamdulillah that we're no longer attached 

To temporary joys that are dangerous for us. 

If they were meant to be our friends, we'd still be intact.

If they were blessings, they'd direct us to Allah's Love.


📖 Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Love whom you love moderately, perhaps he will become hateful to you someday. Hate whom you hate moderately, perhaps he will become your beloved friend someday."

Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 1997

Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Albani

📖 Abu Qatadah RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily, you will never leave anything for the sake of Allah the Almighty but that Allah will replace it with something better."

Source: Musnad Ahmed 22565

Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Albani

📖 Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The souls are troops collected together. They come close upon what they recognize, and they differ upon what they reject."

Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 3109

Sahih Muslim 2638

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (Authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Al-Nawawi said, “When bodies meet in the world, they come together or differ according to how they were created. The righteous will incline to the righteous, and the evil will incline to the evil.”

Source: Sharh Al-Nawawī ‘alá Sahih Muslim 2638

📖 Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu ‘anhu narrated: Allah’s noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "The strong believer is more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both of them. Be eager for what benefits you, seek help from Allah, and do not be frustrated. If something befalls you, then do not say: 'If only I had done something else.’ Rather say: "Allah has decreed what He wills." Verily, the phrase 'if only' opens the way for the work of shaytan."

Source: Sahih Muslim 2664

Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Muslim