بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Poem: I Am Just One Of Allah's Servants.

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
💌 Notes to self and reminders so fellow humans know
That we are Allah's servants and we're imperfect souls.
Tips on how to lessen pride and deflate our ego:
First, be teachable. Learn without letting your eyes roll.
See I'm not perfect, just like no other human is.
I get tired at times. Once in a while I require rest.
Like every other human I sneeze, excrete and sweat,
Misspell, fall over, misjudge, shed tears and get upset.
I'm not spoiled rich. Sometimes I shop with a low budget,
Frequently dealing with an empty fridge and wallet.
Nonetheless Allah guides me to pass financial tests.
Dunya's nothing compared to Jannah's eternal bliss.
In no way am I flawless. Many mistakes I've made,
A wide range of sins done in the past that trigger shame,
Numerous fights with those who cringe when they hear my name,
And moments when my heart would softly break or complain.
I'm awful at math and counting, not good at cooking,
Not fluent in some dialects, not that well-spoken,
Not a collector of branded clothes and fine items,
Not an expert in sports, climbing and public speaking.
So ego can decrease to increase self-improvement,
I remind myself of my flaws and imperfections,
Admit there's always someone else better at something,
To train contentment and prevent over-confidence.
Help others for Allah's sake to erase arrogance,
Study Islam and be willing to play with children,
Be kind to animals and stray cats, feed them often.
Serve Allah without looking down on His creation.
📖 Abdullah ibn Mas’ud RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "No one who has the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise." Someone said, “But a man loves to have beautiful clothes and shoes.” The Prophet SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily, Allah is Beautiful and He loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people."
In another narration, the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "No one who has the weight of a seed of faith in his heart will enter Hellfire."
Source: Sahih Muslim 91
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Muslim