بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Note: Maintain Good Character Even If Not Everyone You Meet Shows Good Manners

💐 In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
💌 Just because your dear parents educated you about Islamic ethics and good manners doesn't mean everybody you encounter will always treat you well. You can't expect a wolf or lion to become a hundred percent vegan and not devour you simply because you don't eat them.
Even though you may be one of the nicest individuals on earth who never did anyone wrong intentionally, there will still be many insecure characters who mistreat you without any respect either because they hate seeing you surpass them in some way, they're struggling with serious insecurities, they had an awful upbringing, or they're undeniably jealous of your achievements and confident personality. So next time a few ignoble oafs show lowliness in being enviously rude, don't stoop to their level by acting immaturely as they do. Keep smiling with patience and understanding, while maintaining noble Akhlaaq and cheerful attitude.
Remember that how others deal with you doesn't define your value. The beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam himself had troublesome enemies from among the unbelievers, hypocrites, and liars who weren't guided by Allah the Most Wise to accept the truth.
📖 Abu Dharr RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Fear Allah wherever you are, follow a bad deed with a good deed and it will erase it, and behave well with good character towards the people."
Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 1987
Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to At-Tirmidhi
📖 Abdullah bin Amr RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah's noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands the Muslims are safe." 
Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 10 
Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi 