بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Notes: INFJ Door Slam vs INTJ Detachment

 In The Name Of Allah 

The Most Gracious The Most Merciful 

Both the INFJ door slam and the INTJ detachment are coping mechanisms used by these personality types to deal with situations or individuals that they find overwhelming or harmful. While there may be some overlap in how they manifest, there are also distinct differences between the two.

1. **INFJ Door Slam**:
   - The INFJ door slam refers to the tendency of INFJs to abruptly cut off contact or emotionally distance themselves from someone who has repeatedly hurt or disappointed them.
   - This action is often a last resort for INFJs after they have tried to address the issues or conflicts in the relationship but have not seen any improvement.
   - The door slam can be triggered by a single significant event or a culmination of smaller incidents that have eroded the INFJ's trust or emotional well-being.
   - INFJs may feel a deep sense of betrayal or sadness when they execute the door slam, as it goes against their desire for harmony and connection.

2. **INTJ Detachment**:
   - INTJ detachment involves withdrawing emotionally from a situation or person in order to maintain objectivity and preserve their mental and emotional energy.
   - Unlike the INFJ door slam, which is often a response to personal hurt or disappointment, INTJ detachment is primarily driven by a rational assessment of the situation.
   - INTJs may detach themselves from a project, goal, or individual if they determine that it is no longer beneficial or aligned with their long-term objectives.
   - Detachment for INTJs is a strategic decision rather than an emotional reaction, and they may continue to interact with the person or situation in a detached manner, focusing on logic and efficiency rather than emotional investment.

In summary, while both the INFJ door slam and the INTJ detachment involve creating distance from something or someone, the door slam is typically an emotional response to personal hurt or betrayal, whereas detachment for INTJs is a strategic decision based on rational evaluation.




