بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين

بسم الله. ربي زدني علما. امين
May Allah the Almighty grant us more beneficial knowledge, accept our good deeds, forgive our mistakes, protect us from fitna, and join us with the righteous believers in Jannatul Ferdaus. Ameen.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Note: Some Tips Related To Busyness (ChatGPT)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
❓ Question: Exactly how many tasks would an adult need to have to be considered busy, moderately busy and extremely busy?
💻 ChatGPT: The definition of "busy" can vary widely depending on context and individual capacity, but here’s a general breakdown:

- **Busy:** About 5-10 tasks, including daily responsibilities and commitments.
- **Moderately Busy:** Around 10-20 tasks, which might include a mix of work, personal projects, and social obligations.
- **Extremely Busy:** 20 or more tasks, often involving multiple high-priority projects, tight deadlines, and significant responsibilities.

These numbers can change based on the complexity of tasks and personal efficiency.
💻 ChatGPT: Here are 23 strategies to help avoid feeling too busy and overworked, focusing on personal management:

1. **Prioritize Tasks:** Use a priority matrix to focus on what's truly important.
2. **Set Boundaries:** Establish clear work hours and stick to them.
3. **Limit Multitasking:** Focus on one task at a time for better efficiency.
4. **Schedule Breaks:** Include short breaks in your routine to recharge.
5. **Declutter Your Space:** A tidy workspace can enhance focus and reduce stress.
6. **Use a Planner:** Keep track of tasks and deadlines to manage your time better.
7. **Practice Saying No:** Avoid taking on additional commitments that aren’t essential.
8. **Set Realistic Goals:** Break tasks into manageable steps to avoid overwhelm.
9. **Limit Screen Time:** Reduce time spent on social media and unnecessary browsing.
10. **Automate Tasks:** Use tools or apps to automate repetitive tasks.
11. **Establish Routines:** Create daily routines to streamline activities.
12. **Practice Mindfulness:** Engage in meditation or deep-breathing exercises to reduce stress.
13. **Review and Reflect:** Regularly assess your workload and adjust priorities as needed.
14. **Embrace Minimalism:** Simplify your commitments and possessions.
15. **Avoid Perfectionism:** Aim for progress rather than perfection to reduce pressure.
16. **Engage in Leisure Activities:** Set aside time for hobbies and relaxation.
17. **Learn to Let Go:** Release tasks or projects that no longer serve your goals.
18. **Use Time Blocks:** Allocate specific blocks of time for focused work on tasks.
19. **Create a "Done" List:** Track completed tasks to feel a sense of accomplishment.
20. **Limit Commitments:** Be selective about new projects or responsibilities.
21. **Take Care of Your Health:** Prioritize sleep, nutrition, and exercise to maintain energy levels.
22. **Practice Gratitude:** Focus on positive aspects of your life to shift perspective.
23. **Digital Detox:** Periodically disconnect from devices to refresh your mind.

Implementing even a few of these strategies can significantly reduce feelings of being overworked.
📋 Note: Some of the things Alhamdulillah which I usually do these days include: 
1. Checking around various areas at school including admin office, some classrooms and canteen etc.
2. Teaching Qur'an subject to several high school female students including grades 7, 8 and 9 female students.
3. Occasionally substituting for some periods when a teacher is absent or unavailable, often combining multiple grade levels if several teachers are absent or busy attending meeting etc. 
4. Attending faculty meetings etc. 
5. Receiving tuition fees from some of the parents, guardians and students and preparing some of the receipts when the cashier is busy or not around that time.
6. Trying to memorize some Ayaat verses from the Noble Qur'an for Qur'an subject online classes. 
7. Regularly checking on female students of grades 7, 8 and 9 and updating lessons and notes related to Qur'an subject. 
8. Answering messages via Facebook messenger application, text messaging and email etc.
9. Tutorial classes etc.
10. Online class with some students at least once a week.
11. Listening to numerous lectures and recorded speeches related to online Islamic classes in Arabic language for adults on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays often from around 1:30 AM here in the Philippines while it is evening in the Middle East.
12. Occasionally reading some Islamic articles and books.
13. Listening to several Islamic lectures and attending some Islamic lectures via Google Meet or Zoom application when there are some lectures I'm willing to listen to. 
14. Laundry, washing clothes and hanging them etc.
15. Washing the dishes 
16. Organizing and arranging some things in the rooms when I'm not busy etc. 
17. Cooking and preparing meals 
18. Going out at least once a week for shopping etc. 
19. Occasionally talking to some of the moms, teachers, students and loved ones and visiting family and relatives whenever I can and when I'm not busy.
20. Writing as one of my hobbies and researching beneficial knowledge and information etc.
21. Receiving packages and ensuring the payment of those delivered packages are given 
22. Carrying some water gallons from the first floor to the second floor and refilling the water dispenser when necessary 
23. Striving to complete the assignments I need to do related to online Islamic classes in Arabic language 
24. Studying several PDF documents and listening to recorded lectures when I can before taking online tests or quizzes related to the online Islamic classes in Arabic language 
25. Regularly distributing salaries to the male and female faculty, often giving cash advance and reminding them to sign etc.
26. Ensuring that I pray all the obligatory daily prayers when I can pray and also praying some Sunnah prayers including Salat Ad-Duha and Qiyaam Al-Layl Tahajjud from time to time 
27. Almost every day and night saying the morning and evening Adhkaar and Dua, reciting Surah Al-Mulk and other Surahs/Suwar etc. 
28. Assisting loved ones with assignments, projects and chores when they request and when I can help them out etc.
29. Defrosting the fridge almost every week etc. and organizing etc.